Riot Games is known to make flashy skins with tons of animations for every weapon in Valorant. But some skins are simply better than others, and that's the case with the Shorty weapon. So here we'll check out the best Shorty skins in Valorant!

For a cheap weapon, it has good skins!
Do you want a skin that will show you the progress of your kills? Then check out the Doodle Buds Shorty skin! The skin has 3 variants: one with Valorant agent doodles, the other with League of Legends doodles, and the third with Tactifriends doodles. With every kill you make, the doodles get colored. You can get the Doodle Buds Shorty in the store for 1775 VP alongside 40 RP for all variants and upgrades. | © Riot Games
If you don't have money for skins, then the free Wunderkind Shorty skin will do you justice! The looks and feels of the pinkish colors are done just right, making this skin one of the best agent contract skins ever. To get the Wunderkind Shorty, you'll have to activate and finish Killjoy's agent contract. | © Riot Games
The underwater emotions that Pearl gave us were transferred into the Neptune skin bundle, giving us one of the best Shorty skins: the Neptune Shorty. Without any upgrades, the skin isn't anything special. But spend 20 RP for upgrades alongside 10 RP extra for the black variant, and you'll have a fish tank on your Shorty! Not only that, the Neptune Shorty has the best sound effects in Valorant, and you can get it for 1775 VP in the store. | © Riot Games
The Oni Skin Bundle has become a staple of classical skins among players, and there we can find the Oni Shorty skin. Watching the mask alongside the eerie aura that surrounds it somehow makes for one excellent skin, though you'll have to pay 30 RP for all the upgrades. The Oni Shorty also comes with 3 different skin variants, each costing 15 RP. The Oni Shorty can be obtained through shop for 1775 VP. | © Riot Games
Last but not least, we'll check out one skin more expensive than the previous ones - the Prelude to Chaos Shorty skin. This skin comes with 3 upgrades of sounds and animations for a total of 30 RP, alongside 3 skin variants each costing 15 RP. Don't let your eyes deceive you, as every upgrade for the Prelude to Chaos Shorty is worth it! What may not be worth though is the hefty price you can get the skin for at 2175 VP. | © Riot Games
Riot Games is known to make flashy skins with tons of animations for every weapon in Valorant. But some skins are simply better than others, and that's the case with the Shorty weapon. So here we'll check out the best Shorty skins in Valorant!
Riot Games is known to make flashy skins with tons of animations for every weapon in Valorant. But some skins are simply better than others, and that's the case with the Shorty weapon. So here we'll check out the best Shorty skins in Valorant!