New Valorant players frequently fail to manage their economy. Avoid this mistake by reading our guide.

Many new Valorant players mismanage their economy, losing potential advantages by failing to plan ahead or coordinate with their team. However, by following a few key principles, you can significantly improve your chances of success.
This guide will detail what to buy each round, focusing on Unrated and Competitive modes, which follow Valorant's standard ruleset. In Swiftplay, you receive more credits each round, making the economy simpler: just keep buying the Vandal and Heavy Shields, or the next best available option.
Valorant Economy Guide: What to Buy Every Round
Before diving into the specifics of each round, there's one golden rule: always synchronize your purchases with your team. If your teammates buy, you buy. If they save, you save. This coordination prevents scenarios where some players have Vandals while others are stuck with pistols, leading to a cycle of disadvantage.
Round One
In the first round, or the first round after the switch, the best purchases are either the Ghost and one ability or the Sheriff if you're confident with headshots. Some agents, like Sage with her Barrier, might benefit more from sticking with the Classic and buying a useful ability instead of a better pistol.
Round Two
The second round is where many new players make mistakes. If you win the first round, don't stick with your Ghosts. Use the extra money to buy a mid-tier weapon like the Spectre, Bulldog, or Guardian and at least Light Shields. This will give you a definite advantage and increase your chances of going 2-0.

If you lose the first round, save your credits completely to ensure you can buy Vandals and Heavy Shields in the third round. During this eco round, try unconventional strategies, since you're at a disadvantage.
Round Three
If You Are 2-0 Up
Commit to a "bonus round" by sticking with the mid-tier weapons you bought in the second round. This strategy allows you to save credits and ensures you can afford Vandals and Heavy Shields in the fourth round, regardless of the third-round outcome. These mid-tier weapons can still compete effectively against Vandals.
If You Are 1-1 Split
If you won the first round but lost the second, have an eco round. But if you lost the first round and won the second, you can now buy Vandals and Heavy Shields for the third round.
If You Are 0-2 Down
At this point, everyone should have enough credits to buy Vandals and Heavy Shields, assuming you followed the eco rules.

Remaining Rounds
After the initial rounds and the switch, you have more flexibility with your purchases as long as you're winning. If you lose a round and only half the team can buy, it's better to have an eco round and come back stronger in the following round. The major exception to this is when the enemy is close to winning; in such cases, "force", and buy whatever you can to give yourself a fighting chance.
Higher-level and professional play may involve more creative economy strategies, but for mid and low-elo games, sticking to these conventional rules is usually safer. Good luck on your grind!