Riot Games’ popular tactical shooter, Valorant, has launched its open beta on PlayStation and Xbox, bringing the intense gameplay experience to console players for the first time. Here’s what you need to know about this exciting development.

After captivating PC gamers since its debut in 2020, Riot Games' hit tactical shooter Valorant is now making its way to consoles. The open beta version has just launched for PlayStation and Xbox players, marking a significant milestone for the game’s expansion. After Valorant launched for the first time on PC in 2020, console players in Brazil, Canada, Europe, Japan and the USA will now have the opportunity to test the first open beta console version.
no more codes. download now.
— VALORANT (@VALORANT) July 26, 2024
This console release broadens the game's reach, allowing a new audience to experience its strategic gameplay. However, it's important to note that crossplay between PC and console platforms will not be supported. Riot Games has emphasized that this decision is aimed at ensuring the most fair and consistent gameplay experience for all players. Despite this, players on PlayStation and Xbox will be able to engage in crossplay with others on the same console family.
For those transitioning from PC to console, there's good news: players who log into the console version with their existing Riot Games account will retain all their skins, agents, and other items. This continuity ensures that the investment made in the game remains valuable, even when shifting platforms.
The beta phase for Valorant on consoles will continue indefinitely. Riot Games has stated that they will only conclude the beta when they are fully satisfied with the game's performance and player feedback.
A notable addition to the console version is the new shooting mode called "Focus." This mode is designed to accommodate console settings, offering a shooting experience similar to the "Hip Fire" mode on PC but with reduced sensitivity. This adjustment aims to enhance gameplay precision and comfort for console players.
VALORANT console introduces Focus, a new feature to aid hipfire
— VALORANT Daily (@valorant_tp) June 8, 2024
Looking ahead, Valorant’s future on consoles seems promising. Riot Games has expressed their intention to treat the console release as a long-term project. As executive producer Andy Ho puts it, “We're getting to the starting line as we like to say. This is a game that we don’t have an end date in mind for. We want to invest in it on an infinite horizon so that players feel like their investment into the game is always going to be worth it.”