Skarner's LoL VGU is coming up soon, while there are some other champions updates in store for other champions as well. So, which champions are on the list for a facelift in 2023 and 2024?

League of Legends released all the way back in 2009, with some champions being as old as the game. Of course, that means that by now their designs are out of date, their kits weak in comparison to the new powercrept champions and, of course, are in dire need of a rework.
In the last years, Volibear, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn and Dr. Mundo have all received large-scale reworks to adjust their kit for the current state of League of Legends. So, which champions will be receiving reworks, and is it only champions getting reworked these days?
LoL Champion Reworks Explained
A champion rework is an update, focusing on the gameplay and visual aspects, and in some cases even both. This mostly involves champions that were released a long time ago. As already mentioned, some reworks are quite extensive, while others focus on a champion's visuals and can be done within a few weeks.
Today, we’re going to be taking a look at three major champion reworks that Riot has implemented throughout the years – VGU, ASU and mini-rework.
What Is A VGU?
The most extensive and long rework for a champion is the VGU, which stands for visual and gameplay update. These updates can take months and span over a long period of time. These updates revitalize the champion's visuals, while also looking at the gameplay and how to improve.
Usually, Riot Games tries to bring out two visual and gameplay updates a year, but in 2021 they only released one, which was for Dr. Mundo. In 2020, both Fiddlesticks and Volibear received complete overhauls, improving their splash arts, their in-game model, their lore, as well as the gameplay, without trying to change the champions' identity too much.
Champion Reworks: Upcoming VGU
Skarner VGU in 2024
In early 2022, Riot let fans vote once more on the champion they wish to see updated. With 33.4% of the votes, Skarner raced ahead of other picks like Shyvana, Tryndamere and Nocturne.

Skarner is one of the least played champions in League of Legends, with awkward mechanics due to his spires, as well as an easy playstyle that is just avoidable if you've got at least a little bit of mechanics in League of Legends.
The Skarner rework was supposed to release in 2023, but it has been pushed back and was delayed, meaning that it is going to be releasing in 2024 instead.
If you're curious about the Skarner VGU and Rework then keep reading here:
Shyvana Rework - A Possibility
In both 2021 and 2022, Shyvana got second place in the visual and gameplay update poll, which has prompted Riot to state that they would be looking into her to see whether she could be getting a rework as well in the future.
Hopefully this unique jungler will be able to get some love from Riot. She hasn’t felt good to play since 2015 and is in desperate need of a fix. Building either magic damage or attack damage feels awful, since with either, she can just utilize half of her kit. She needs a complete overhaul to make her a viable champion.
What Is A CGU?
Some champions look cool and have some insanely cool lore, as well as great skins, but their gameplay just doesn't fulfill the fantasy players want. Those champions will receive the newest update that the League of Legends champion team has come up with – the Comprehensive Gameplay Update (CGU for short).
Aurelion Sol received a CGU in early 2023, reworking his kit from the ground up, but since then there hasn't been news on any other champions receiving CGU's in the coming years.
What Is An ASU?
An ASU stands for art and sustainability update, which means older champions can get a larger visual update. These updates are cheaper and less time intensive than a VGU and don’t affect a champion's abilities nor their lore.
With an ASU, Riot Games will fix some of the older champion's outdated animations or broken body parts, like necks, wrists and other stuff. Their outdated outfits will also be refreshed and voiceovers, as well as gameplay clarity, is tackled in such an update.
It has also been revealed before that Riot will prioritize popular champions and those with a lot of skins for these types of reworks.
Upcoming ASUs
Jax ASU In 2023
Jax will be getting an ASU at the end of 2023. Due to the Skarner VGU getting delayed, the art team had some free time, which meant that they could take one of the oldest champions in the game under the microscope. Riot revealed that they would be giving Jax a much-needed visual overhaul.
Teemo ASU In 2024

Teemo is going to be getting an ASU in 2024. While is design isn't bad, the team does want to upgrade it and give him some better "more HD" visuals with the Art and Sustainability Update in 2024. This means details and accessories will be made clearer.
One thing that will make Teemo stand out compared to the rest is that Riot will add multiple emotions to the model, which will bring the character to life.
[...] one of the most exciting things about a new rig is that Teemo will be able to express himself! To help our technical artist out, I drew out a spread of expressions for Teemo, exploring different emotions. Neutral, happy, laughing, puzzled, sad... an entire range of reactions to help figure out what’s needed in the rig.
Lee Sin ASU In 2024
Another champion revealed to be getting a rework is none other than Lee Sin. This champion is in dire need of it. He's quite popular as well, thanks to his mechanics which can let any player look like they're a god at League of Legends.
He's also got some of the most whack animations in the game, which the ASU will hopefully finally fix. So, this ASU really wasn't much of a surprise.
Upcoming Visual Updates
Throughout the year, Riot also does small visual updates for older champions where they highlight and improve some champion's abilities. These are small updates which should bring the champions' gameplay into the current state of League of Legends.
Upcoming Brand Visual Update
Recently, during the release trailer of Naafiri, some fans noticed that Brand had some new in-game animations, which could hint at a Brand visual update. Unfortunately, it hasn't been revealed when this update will go live though.
Mid-Scope Updates Explained
While Riot is improving the visuals of some of our favorite League of Legends champions, there are also a few mini reworks which should improve a champions' gameplay. These reworks are called Mid-Scope Updates and are simple reworks of a champion's kit without taking away too much from the current iteration of the champion.
So, these can be like mini CGU updates. Recently, Riot updated champions like Rell and Neeko, making them viable picks in both solo queue, as well as in pro play, but they haven't revealed which other champions are still on the menu for Mid-Scopes.
What Is An Item Rework?
Not only champions can get reworked, but items as well. In 2023, Riot has made a few changes to whole sets of items, to create a better balance for players.
The item system could likely receive a huge update during the 2024 League of Legends Preseason as well, with the Summoner's Rift Balance and Preseason team stating that they're thinking of possibly completely removing the mythic item system from the game.
System Reworks in League of Legends

Not only champions and items can be reworked, but also systems in League of Legends. Ahead of Season 11, Riot revamped the entire item shop, creating a new UI, as well as whole new item classes that hadn’t existed before, reworking it.
Ahead of Season 10, Riot also introduced a new map in League of Legends, now known as the Elemental Rift. This means that the drakes which spawn actually influence the terrain of the map, as well as grant unique buffs and souls to champions, something which hadn’t existed to this scale in League of Legends yet.
Now in Season 13, Riot added in jungle pets to help players through the jungle. This is a brand-new mechanic which was meant to help new players pick up the jungle role, which has always been a more daunting role. What systems will be reworked for Season 14 have not been revealed yet though.
Hint At New Dragon In LoL Season 14
In Wild Rift, Riot have added a new drake to the game, something we could also receive in the PC version starting in Season 14. There have been rumors that Riot will be adding the Ice Drake to the game, adding more variety to the game.
This has not been confirmed yet though and is still a rumours. How would you feel about an ice dragon in League of Legends though>