At the beginning of 2022, fans voted for Skarner to receive the next visual and gameplay update (VGU). Finally, Riot has revealed everything about the new champion.

The community spoke and Riot is delivering. Skarner is going to receive a brand-new look, feel and kit. Riot has also revealed the Champion's new kit and look, as well as his new lore.
Skarner has ranked lowest in almost all categories of satisfaction, fantasy and more, which is why his VGU was so important and will hopefully help make him more popular.
Skarner VGU: What Has Riot Changed?

Riot has changed everything about Skarner. He has an entirely new kit, has a new lore and the spires and the crystals are also gone. When Riot asked players about Skarner and what makes the champion iconic, the only thing people thought of was:
- His stinger ultimate ability
- That he is a scorpion
Those are the two elements Riot have kept, but other than that... new champion release?
Skarner's New Abilities Revealed
Skarner's crystal spires are gone. Thank you Riot. While the spires were a cool and unique aspect of his kit, it was also what was holding him back. So, Riot decided to remove them and give him some other new unique abilities that will make him incredibly strong.
Passive - Threads of Vibration
- Skarner's attacks, Shattered Earth, Upheaval and Impale apply Quacking to enemies. Enemies with three stacks of Quacking take % Max HP damage over time.
This is his passive. It is very simple and will allow him to duel it out with others in the jungle. It should also help him in his clear to get him ganking faster, because as you read on you'll notice he will want to gank rather than full clear.
Q - Shattered Earth / Upheaval

- Skarner rips a rock out of the ground and uses it to empower his next three attacks with bonus damage, range and attack speed. His third attack slams the rock into his target, slowing and dealing significant bonus damage, ending the effect.
- Skarner may re-cast Upheaval and throw the rock as a projectile that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing the same damage and slow, ending the effect.
This is going to be his bread-and-butter attack that you will want to use over and over again while fighting. The extra damage is super nice, and he's even got a bit of range by recasting which is also good to have in fighting situations.
W - Seismic Bastion
- Skarner gains a shield and slams into the ground, releasing a shockwave that damages and slows nearby enemies.
This is a simple attack that you will use during a fight to stay safe. The shield is great for sustain and since Skarner is going to be a tank/juggernaut hybrid who loves to fight, this is going to be a crucial attack.
E - Ixtal's Impact
- Skarner charges forward, ignoring terrain and grabs the first enemy champion or large monster he collides with. He may then carry them a short way, damaging and stunning them if they collide with the terrain.
This is going to be the most annoying ability to play against. Skarner can just ignore walls and go right through them. He also picks up speed as he goes, similar to Nunu. Now you see why he is going to be a great ganking jungler, right?
R - Impale
- Skarner impales up to three enemy champions, damaging and suppressing them. Skarner gains bonus movement speed for a short time and carries them with him until the end of the effect.
This is the same ability Skarner had before, only now it's an AoE, and it has a lot more range than before... but now it does have a channel time, unlike before where it was almost instant. Honestly, it looks pretty fun though!
Skarner To Be Moved To New Region
Skarner has also been moved to a new region. While he used to call Shurima his home, he has now been moved to the neighboring country of Ixtal. Instead of crystals, his whole theme now revolves around earth and bending it to his will. Pretty cool.

Skarner remains a "Brackern," but their origin has shifted from Shurima to Ixtal in the updated lore, significantly altering their dynamics with humans. Originally depicted as adversaries to humanity, the new narrative positions the Brackern as mentors to the Ixtal people, imparting their extensive knowledge of elemental magic. Consequently, the people of Ixtal hold the Brackern in high esteem, celebrating their profound magical affinity.
Skarner VGU Release Date
The Skarner VGU is going to be released in LoL Patch 14.7. He will be heading onto the PBE on March 19, 2024. Those of you without a PBE account will get to play him April 3, 2024.
He is going to have brand-new kit, new visuals and a lot of new lore. This also means that other champions that were involved with the Brackern before will have to have their lore re-written as well.