The League of Legends Champion Roadmap offers a preview of the upcoming champions that Riot Games plans to release. This is a great tool for players who are managing their Blue Essence and want to strategize about which new characters to invest in. Read on to discover potential new mains and plan your next moves in League of Legends.

It's time to look at the year 2024 and which champions are planned for this year. Since Smolder got his debut on Summoner's Rift on January 31, the next champion in line should be the Freljordian huntress.
Right now, there isn't much known about the next League of Legends champion and Skarner has also finally made his debut in 2024 with the reworked champion going live in LoL Patch 14.7. Nevertheless, let's check out the next champions and what Riot has planned.
LoL Champion Roadmap 2024: Who is the Next League of Legends Champion?
Smolder has been released and Riot finally gave us the long-awaited Skarner VGU. So, what is next in the world of Runeterra, and which champions can you look forward to?
Freljord Huntress Rumored

There have been leaks and rumors about the next champion that is supposed to be released after Smolder. This would be a top lane or bot lane huntress from the Freljord and therefore probably deals physical damage. She would also use a new and unique weapon that Riot would create for the world of Runeterra.
On top of that, according to "Big Bad Bear", well known for all of his leaks about League of Legends, we can probably expect more deets about her in late April or early May. And it's about god-damn time we finally get a new Freljordian champ. Because the last one was almost 7 years ago with Ornn. Wow, time really flies.
There isn't much else known, but if these rumors are true, then we hope that she is as jolly and friendly as Braum!
Is The Freljordian Huntress The New Vastaya?

Riot also added information on a new Vastaya champion who lives in the forest of the Freljord. Living by her lonesome could mean that she is going to be a huntress, right? Since she'll have to hunt for her food, right?
This does seem pretty likely. She will be released after the upcoming young dragon champion, so she will likely come around the halfway mark of 2024.