The developers of League of Legends reveal that they are "actively monitoring" an organized trolling group in response to player concerns.

The League of Legends developers have acknowledged player complaints regarding an organized trolling group causing disruptions in low Masters ranked games. Riot Games, the developer of LoL, has addressed concerns raised by players regarding a group of trolls who have been consistently causing issues in games at the low Masters rank.
Organized Trolling Group Griefing Players In Low Masters Ranked Games
According to a recent Reddit discussion, the trolls use bots to run multiple clients, forcing players to avoid games by deliberately disrupting champion selection. In cases where games do proceed, they sabotage the gameplay, making it unwinnable for the unfortunate team they are paired against.
A group of botters in low masters are griefing games in protest of riot not banning trolls by u/Matarra in leagueoflegends
Riot Games has assured players that they are actively monitoring and taking action against these disruptive groups, with numerous accounts being banned as a result. While the developers are working on implementing preventative measures, they encourage players to continue reporting such behavior to expedite the process.