LoL Preseason 2024 is coming our way and it's time we brace ourselves for some more changes in League of Legends once more. What will Riot focus on this year? Another jungle meta update, maybe?

The 2024 League of Legends Preseason is going to kick off after the 2023 World Championship this year. While we don't have exact details on the preseason yet, Riot have revealed some insights into what is being planned for Summoner's Rift this off-season.
The LoL Preseason is always exciting with a multitude of bigger changes hitting the rift. So, what could Riot be focusing on this year? More jungle changes? Hopefully not, the top lane has not received a major update in eons, and it feels like we should give them some love too. But let's get into the hints we've received.
LoL Preseason 2024: Here Is What We Can Expect
Items & Item System Focus
In a recent dev update from Riot, Jeremy "Brightmoon" Lee revealed that the 2024 LoL Preseason will focus on items. This isn't anything new, with the 2023 mid-season update also focusing on itemization, especially the inclusion of mythic items.
In the mid-season update, multiple items were changed and updated, but have these updates been fruitful and helpful to the game? We aren't too sure. Infinity Edge as a mythic isn't very popular, while other items have been way too good in the bot lane, so Riot will look over these changes, as well as the pre-existing mythics to make adjustments accordingly.
Will Riot remove mythic items though... that's the biggest question right now. Initially, mythics were added to create unique builds for champions depending on the situation, but the mythic system has not panned out that way, so now we will see what the balance and preseason team decides to do ahead of LoL Season 14.
Map And Dragon Changes
But, even though Riot wants to focus on items and item system changes, it's not enough to improve the current game situation. The devs are currently working on possible map changes to, among other things, help top laners and mages be less gankable.
Which is nice, then we could, hopefully, see some improvements in the solo lanes, with mages feeling rather lack luster lately and top laners struggling since like 2017.
Wait – do you see it, guys? There's a new dragon on the horizon! (Well, hopefully)
On Reddit, u/Riot Meddler (aka Andrei "Meddler" van Roon - Senior Vice President and Studio Head of League Studio at Riot) commented on a Reddit post:
If the ice drake goes well for WR we'd be open to adding it to LoL PC as well at some point. Adding additional drakes isn't one of our higher priorities at present for preseason/large gameplay update work though, we think other issues are more pressing gameplay wise
So, if things go well over on Wild Rift, we'll be seeing an additional drake somewhere in our future. We don't know if it will necessarily happen in Season 14, but we can at least hope to!
Minion Changes
If we look back at Quick Gameplay Thoughts 13.7 Bryan "Axes" Salvatore and Matthew "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison revealed plans to "differentiate the minions in each lane".
What this exactly means, is still unknown. We can maybe either expect different minion types in each lane, or a different amount of minions depending on the lane. Either way, I'm definitely excited to see the changes coming to us!
Unconfirmed Theories
With the Tournament of Souls event apparently using up a lot of RAM on people's computers, players are one again speculating whether and when LoL will be seeing a big client update. The client is in dire need of an update to not only combat the constant bugs that happen, but also to improve the player's quality of life. When and if we will be seeing that, has not been talked about by Riot, yet.