Naafiri is going to be the next League of Legends champion, and thanks to some PBE assets we've got some more information on her already.

Naafiri, the next LoL champion is just around the corner. She was supposed to come out in spring 2023, but Riot pushed her release back a bit and now it'll finally be time to play her on Summoner's Rift. Now with the PBE for LoL Patch 13.13 going live, some new assets have revealed more information on this mysterious Darkin.
Not only do we find out more about Naafiri through the assets leaked, but also through the new voice over for Varus which is going to be making its way to Summoner's Rift soon.
Want to know more about Naafiri? Then check out her trailer:
Naafiri Assets Leaked On PBE Patch 13.13
While Naafiri isn't officially part of this patch, she is likely going to be released two weeks later. So in one month we will likely be able to play Naafiri and get our hands on the champion. She is going to be a "simple to play" mid lane assassin according to previous information from Riot.
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Thanks to TFT, we've already got some idea of the effects of her abilities. Leaker BigBadBear revealed some of the effects that have been found by data miners. This is also a sign that Naafiri will be added to TFT soon. From the images we can see that she will have some form of slashing motion, going by the visual effect assets found.
There have also been a lot of other files found in TFT, which just cement the idea that Naafiri is going to be a playable unit in the game mode. In LoL Patch 13.12, Riot released the new TFT set so we could see Naafiri added in the upcoming patch alongside her release in League of Legends (hopium) or maybe she'll be added in the halfway point of the set.
New Varus Voice Lines Reveal More Information On Naafiri
Varus is one of the few Darkin we have in League of Legends. While Legends of Runeterra has added multiple other Darkin, there are currently only three on Summoner's Rift, with Naafiri going to be the fourth. Varus, as promised, is getting some new voice over and with it being added to Patch 13.13 already, there are some lines where he talks with Naafiri.
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Hounds, Naafiri? You make me grateful for my vessels.
Varus has possessed the body of two lovers, while Naafiri seems to have gotten her claws into a pack of dogs. This has been hinted at for a while now, but this only confirms all the theories that Naafiri will be some form of canine creature on the rift.
One of his new lines also refers to the pack which cursed Naafiri to have move targets on her back. So it'll be interesting how this pack of dogs or wolves will translate onto Summoner's Rift once she releases.