The next League of Legends champion, Briar, is going to be coming very soon. At least if we can trust all the hints we've been getting.

The next League of Legends champion is closer than we might think. It hasn't even been a whole patch since Naafiri released and we're already looking forward and ahead at the next champion, a vampiric jungler that is currently being worked on by none other than Riot August, who also created, Jinx, Jhin and Zeri (to name a few).
Now, in a recent dev blog update from Riot Meddler and Brightmoon, we received a hint that Briar is going to be coming very soon. She might not be ready for Worlds yet, but it seems like she will be playable in solo queue around that time.
LoL Devs Hint At Early Fall Release Date For Briar
Briar is still shrouded in mystery. There isn't much we know about this unique jungle champion, but we do know that she is going to be releasing very soon. Why?
Well, in the July 2023 dev update, Riot Brightmoon explained that by the time the next dev blog should be posted we will have already met Briar. Since these video updates usually come around every month or month-and-a-half, this could mean that she will be on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) by PBE Patch 13.18 (which is the same time that LoL Patch 13.17 is live) or maybe around PBE Patch 13.19.
Briar is going to be a unique jungle champion. If she is released around these patches, she won't be playable at the League of Legends World Championship, but she should be playable in solo queue then, since Worlds is being pushed back by half a month due to the Asian Games this year.
So, are you guys ready for the new jungle champion and her release? The only question is whether she is going to be a pro-play menace like Zeri adn K'Sante or a solo queue mid elo terror like Naafiri.