The Arena mode in League of Legends has its own meta. Here are the 10 champions with the highest and the lowest win rates. Some of them you would never expect, and most likely never see in a normal game.

It's safe to say that the new Arena Mode in League of Legends is one of the most successful and played "additional mini-games" in recent years. And just like every game mode there is a new meta evolving in front of our eyes.
We already told you a bit about the most powerful duos for the arena mode, but today we take a look at the 10 champs with the highest and the lowest win rate. Needlessly to say, that the League of Legends Subreddit is already discussing every single detail about this list. Some of these champs you would never expect.
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10 Champs With The Highest Winrate

The LoL Arena Mode is all about finding the best combo out of over 160 playable champions. So obviously it will take the community a while to find them. Meanwhile, a thread in the League of Legends Subreddit has gone viral, in which one user presented a Top 10 featuring the champions with the highest and lowest win rates in the mode. According to the League statistic website
Champion | Winrate | Primary Role |
1. Taric | 64.75 % | Support |
2. Cassiopeia | 66.68 % | Mage |
3. Kennen | 63.75 % | Mage |
4. Vayne | 62.45 % | Marksman |
5. Annie | 64,45 % | Mage |
6. Fiora | 61.40 % | Fighter |
7. Kindred | 61.35 % | Marksman |
8. Yorick | 61.08 % | Fighter |
9. Corki | 61.03 % | Marksman |
10. Wukong | 60.33 % | Fighter |
Well, seeing Taric topping the list with nearly 65% win rate is quite disturbing, since he doesn't really get picked often in any other game mode in League of Legends. But his supportive abilities and the damage is able to inflict, when build as a bruiser, are seemingly way too strong for the Arena.
It's also interesting to see how many Mages are within the Top 10 and that Marksman is the second-strongest class. Since many community members expected fighter or bruisers to be the ruling force in the Arena Mode. By the way, who would have guesses, that a champion like Yorick would ever make his appearance in any modern Top 10 list.
One of the most hated champs in the game mode, Heimerdinger, didn't make the Top 10, since his win rate is 0.01 % less than Wukong. But he is still one of the best champions in the mode and gets banned on a regular basis, sad.
10 Champs With The Lowest Winrate

Well, after the Top 10 with the highest win rate had some surprising champions in it, you will be even more surprised by some names on the list with the lowest win rate. One additional information we have to provide is that Ornn has a win rate of 0.00 %, since he couldn't be picked in the Arena Mode so far.
So here are the Top 10 champions with the lowest win rate in the League of Legends Arena Mode:
Champion | Winrate | Role |
1. Bard | 28.65 % | Support |
2. Blitzcrank | 30.75 % | Tank |
3. Rammus | 31.75 % | Tank |
4. Sion | 32.10 % | Tank |
5. Katarina | 32.31 % | Assassin |
6. Tryndamere | 34.14 % | Fighter |
7. Akshan | 34.51 % | Marksman |
8. Evelynn | 35.02 % | Assassin |
9. K'Sante | 35.51 % | Tank |
10. Akali | 35.80 % | Assassin |
Did we promise too much? There are certainly some champs within this list, that nobody expected to be that bad. Especially champions like Tryndamere or K'Sante, which were designed to tank a lot of damage AND deal a lot of damage, are surprisingly unsuccessful.
Also, that Blitzcrank is here is interesting as well, his hook should be one of the most feared abilities in the whole game mode. But since his hook is an augment ability that can be picked by all other champions in the Arena Mode as well, the champ itself seems to be too weak to win more than half oh his games.
That two of the most popular Assassins, Katarina and Akali, are on this list is surprising as well. Normally these champions are perfect for out moving your opponents or kill them in just a couple of seconds. But according to their win rate, this seems to be nearly impossible to do.
It will be interesting to see, how the win rates might change in the upcoming weeks, when more and more players learn to pick good working combs of champions. Maybe a buff for a certain item can change the whole meta.
Community Reactions To Arena Top And Bottom Pics

Needlessly to say that this topic was discussed by multiple LoL players on the League of Legends Subreddit as well. There, the opinions about certain champs and the true nature of the presented number's diver, to say the least.
Here's the 10 BEST and WORST champions for Arena, sorted by WR. by u/FluckyVer in leagueoflegends
Especially the role of Blitzcrank was heavily discusses in the comment section, since many fans thought that he would be an absolute menace in this game mode. But it turns out, his AP ratio is too low to compete with real Mages, his tankiness is not enough to compete with the real tanks and his bruiser build cant compete with the tankiness and damage of real bruiser. Tough place to be in Mr. Robot.
The User "Joaoseinha" shared is experiences with the hook-champ:
I tried to make AD Blitzcrank work, but it's rough. Didn't get last, but you pretty much need flawless augments for AH in order to get knockup spam, and even then you'll struggle with range since landing hook is your gapcloser. AP is rough since everyone's healthbars are far too big and your cooldowns are too long to get a second rotation off. Best role ends up being tank/supp, where he gets outclassed by pretty much everything else. Really needs a serious buff.
Meanwhile, the user "ClownFundamentals" tried to classify the given numbers:
The reason winrates vary a lot more has a lot to do with 2-player teams instead of 5-player teams. From a raw math standpoint, if you only have two champions on a team, then each champion has a much greater impact than if they were on a team of 5. Even if a champion was very strong on SR, that strength gets diluted by having 4 other champions on the team.Put another way, if you somehow had a 60v60 game mode, most win rates would be way closer to 50%.
Also, the low win rate of K'Sante, one of the most powerful top laners of recent months, were surprising for many. Seems like many players forgot that the stacking of the Q-Abiltiy is essential for the champ. And since there are fewer champs to hit, it's harder to stack, duh.
Only the future will show, how the meta of the Arena Mode is going to evolve, and if we see the same champion names in upcoming lists as well. Maybe Riot will put in some game mode specific nerfs on some of the named champions, just like in ARAM. Of course, we will keep you up-to-date.
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