Fans have been excited about it for a long time, now it is finally happening: The Arena mode is coming to League of Legends! It will hit the live servers on July 20, accompanying the Soul Fighter event content and the new champion, Naafiri. To help you prepare for this exciting new gamemode, we have made a list with the best champion duos in the Arena!

The Soul Fighter event is just around the corner, and with it comes the Arena gamemode. Here, four teams of two players each will battle for victory in a non-standard League of Legends experience yet to be seen.
Obviously, bot lane players should have a bit of an advantage since they have a lot of experience in how to play with someone at their side. In the end, your skills will decide – but these five combos definitely make winning a little easier!
...and for all the players buying the event pass: you will be able to gain event XP by playing Arena.
These Are Our Recommended Champion Pairings In The Arena Mode

Lucian + Taric
Lucian is a strong early laner. Despite being a short-ranged marksman, his spells and his double shot from his Passive – Lightslinger make him incredibly potent in early- and mid-game fights alike. He might not scale as well as other marksmen, but he still brings high DPS to the table in the later stages of the game.
Taric compliments Lucian extremely well. He is getting nerfed in the Arena mode already, but that will not make him too weak to be picked up. He empowers Lucian's basic attacks with every single spell he has, and also buys the duo a lot of time with his R – Cosmic Radiance. He can heal, shield and stun enemies, with the E – Dazzle stun synergizing particularly well with Lucian's mobility. What is not to like about this duo?
Kai'Sa + Nautilus
This duo is very popular on Summoner's Rift for a reason. Nautilus compliments Kai'Sa in every way possible. He provides her with much-needed peel, adds stacks to her Passive – Second Skin with his crowd control and is able to stun-lock anyone who attempts to get under Kai'Sa's (second) skin.
Kai'Sa can take the chance to stand right behind her giant bodyguard while providing her enemies with an endless supply of lethal projectiles from her basic attacks and her Q – Icathian Rain.
All the Kai'Sa player has to do is to deal as much damage as possible while withstanding the temptation to rush in too deep with her R – Killer Instinct. That is surely not a problem, though – am I right, Kai'Sa mains?
Rengar + Ivern

Rengar is one of the most oppressive assassins in League of Legends when he manages to get ahead. His oneshots are some of the quickest in the entire game, and players are often left wondering how exactly the Rengar player just managed to wipe them off the map.
However, Rengar does not do too well when there are no bushes around. If only there was a champion that could provide him with bushes...
Oh! Hello Ivern! I didn't see you there! Yes, that is right, Ivern is here to enable your not-so-friendly neighborhood kitty. His bushes give Rengar more room to jump into his enemy's faces, while his shields will make sure the master hunter survives every skirmish he gets into.
Do not underestimate Ivern's damage either – especially his companion, Daisy, is throwing a good punch too!
Taliyah + Pantheon
This is an interesting one.
Taliyah is a strong mid-lane carry, but she is really difficult to play. One of the key parts of her kit is to properly utilize her W – Seismic Shove to throw enemies into her E – Threaded Volley (or, in dire situations: anywhere further away from herself). Any target being tossed over her Threaded Volley rocks or dashing into them voluntarily will be stunned, which makes it easy for Taliyah to shower them with more rocks.
Pantheon is a simple champion – he jumps at someone and stuns them. His W – Shield Vault is a point 'n click spell that will stun an enemy. This is a fantastic setup for Taliyah, as it makes hitting her Seismic Shove very easy.
Pantheon also has substantial damage in the earlier stages of the game while Taliyah needs to scale, while Taliyah will take over in the later stages when Pantheon is falling off. They make such a great duo!
Mordekaiser + Kha'Zix

Mordekaiser and Kha'Zix are an unlikely duo, and their synergy is not quite obvious at first. The Iron Revenant wants to beat up a single enemy on his own, while the Void Hunter wants to hunt and assassinate isolated targets – also on his own. That is the key to success though – Mordekaiser and Kha'Zix are perfect at leaving each other alone to do their jobs!
Mordekaiser will take any enemy to his R – Realm of Death to beat them up on his own. While he is busy brawling it out with his unlucky victim, Kha'Zix will attack their now-isolated teammate and carry a huge advantage into the fight. This changes the 2v2 to two isolated 1v1s, which are heavily skewed in favor of Mordekaiser and Kha'Zix.
These are our recommended combos for the new League of Legends Arena mode. Make sure to give them a try!