LoL Patch 14.1b is out and while ADC champions might not have had the best time at first, some buffs to certain items should help out, but players have noticed a worrying trend in builds to kick off LoL Season 14.

LoL Season 14 has been out for under a week and Riot has already added in a hotfix patch, with multiple changes, as well as bug fixes. One of the biggest changes was to one of the most popular ADC items in the game in LoL Season 14.
ADC's usually get ADC items, but now the community has realized that Lethality is the way to go on bot laners, meaning that Assassin items are gaining popularity in the bot lane. One item in particular has seen a huge spike in play and win rate.
LoL Patch 14.1: Community Believes This Is The Best ADC Item Currently

If you're looking to climb ranked early this League of Legends Season to get your end of season rewards, then there is a surefire way to do that in the current meta. Players have realized that Lethality items like Youmuu's Ghostblade have much higher win rates on bot laners than on Assassin's.
One of the key aspects why the item is so much better on bot laners currently than on Assassin champions – which the item is intended for – seems to be the removal of the 15 Ability Haste, which has also decreased the price of the item, making it a cheap quick early buy for bot laners.
One Reddit user also pointed out that the build path with Serrated Dirk also lets players gain more bang for their buck. The item is cheaper than before, with a bit less AD, but the Lethality stat has stayed the same, which means that players don't really lose out on too much value there either. The 5 AD won't make too much of a difference.
14.1 Youmuu's is ~55% wr for ADC and by u/TargetBan in leagueoflegends
Once you've got the money for Ghostblade you'll be gaining bonus out of combat movement speed, as well as a Ghosting passive, which for immobile bot laners could be huge to either engage or disengage from a fight, making it one of the most valuable items for a pretty decent price as a starting item.
Even pro-players have noticed this. On January 13, the LEC kicked off their Winter Split, with Youmuu's also making quite a splash. It's only a matter of time before Riot makes some adjustments to the item, so build it while it's still hot.