Some League of Legends players are not happy with the current tooltips in the game and hope that by the time the next patch rolls around, some issues with clarity will be fixed.

LoL Season 14 has just kicked off with brand-new items, huge changes to the League of Legends map and a lot of confusion as well. Now, as players settle into the next season, a few problems are coming to light and players are hoping Riot will quickly adjust these issues.
One of the biggest issues is the damage details in the tooltips, which has players confused about how much damage they're actually going to be doing.
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The lack of information on items and how inconsistent the patch notes are is extremely disappointing by u/GoblinBreeder23 in leagueoflegends
This year, there was no League of Legends preseason, which means that most of the changes that came with Season 14 had no extensive testing time for all League of Legends players. Sure, the "preseason" was on the Public Beta Environment (PBE), but not everyone has a PBE account and can access it.
So, of course, there would be some issues that port over from the PBE to live servers which have gone unnoticed until now, and one of those is the lack of information on items. One Reddit user let their frustration known, explaining that the numbers and performance indicators have been removed from a lot of items, causing confusion, as well as taking away clarity.
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Not only is there a lack of information in the tooltips of items, and when there is it seems pretty confusing in comparison to before, but the patch notes are also not much help, with there being multiple mistakes in them, which has only added to the frustration of League of Legends players.
Hopefully Riot will even out some of this mess to give players more clarity for their builds, since the correct damage indicators are a key part of the game so players know what to build and what would be most useful in specific situations.