It's finally time, my League of Legends friends! The arrival of League of Legends Patch 14.1 is in the starting blocks, as it heralds the beginning of a new season. With this patch, players can expect a host of changes to the map and items, bringing a new twist of upgrades and downgrades to the League experience. Let's dive into the details and explore the transformative elements that Patch 14.1 brings to the game!

The latest League of Legends update, scheduled for today, is set to be a major one. It launches the new ranked season and implement all the preseason updates tested in the Public Beta Environment.
This means we're not getting our usual champion balance changes, but we are also going to have some huge adjustments to the map itself, as well as item changes. LoL Season 14 is going to be a big one so let's go over everything going live in the first patch.
LoL Patch 14.1: Mythic Item Removal Means A Lot Of Item Changes
In this patch, we are going to say goodbye to mythic items in League of Legends and saying hello to multiple new items in the game. There is a pretty long list of new and removed items, so let's check out what you've got to look forward to.
Removed Items In LoL Season 14
These are all the items which Riot is going to remove in LoL Patch 14.1.

Removed Mage Items
- Crown of the Shattered Queen
- Everfrost
- Leeching Leer
- Demonic Embrace
- Night Harvester
- Luden's Tempest
- Stopwatch (and Perfect Timing rune)
Removed Assassin Items
- Duskblade of Draktharr
- Prowler’s Claw
Removed Tank Items
- Turbo Chemtank
- Radiant Virtue
- Evenshroud
- Gargoyle’s Stoneplate
- Aegis of the Legion
- Lifewell Pendant
Removed Enchanter Items
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Chalice of Harmony
Removed Fighter Items
- Goredrinker
- Divine Sunderer
- Silvermere Dawn
- Ironspike Whip
Removed Marksmen Items
- Rageknife
- Galeforce
New Items In LoL Season 14

Of course, we are not just getting some items removed from the game, but Riot is also going to be adding brand-new items or bringing back old forgotten friends. Unfortunately, my personal favorite Banner of Command won't be back for LoL Season 14... but maybe after one of the ranked resets with the new splits...
New Mage Items
- Total Cost: 3000 gold
- Item Recipe: Lost Chapter + Fiendish Codex + 900 gold
- 80 Ability Power
- 20 Ability Haste
- 600 Mana
- Ultimate Power: Gain 15 Ability Haste for your Ultimate.
- Ultimate Flames: Whenever you damage an enemy champion with your Ultimate, burn the ground beneath them for 3 seconds, dealing 60 (+6% AP) magic damage every second and reducing their Magic Resistance by (6-12 [level scaling]) for as long as they are on the burning ground.
Caster’s Companion
- Total Cost: 3000 gold
- Item Recipe: Lost Chapter + Hextech Alternator + 700 gold
- 90 Ability Power
- 20 Ability Haste
- 600 Mana
- Load: Gain a Shot Charge every 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 6.
- Fire: Damaging abilities consume all Shot charges to deal an additional 40 (+ 8% AP) magic damage to the target and one additional nearby target per charge. If there are insufficient targets in range, for each remaining Shot, repeat the damage on the primary target dealing 35% of the damage.
- Total Cost: 2900 gold
- Item Recipe: Hextech Alternator + Aether Wisp + 950 gold
- 90 Ability Power
- 10 Magic Penetration
- 5% Movement Speed
- [Passive] Stormraider: Dealing 35% of a champion's maximum health within 3 seconds applies Stormsurge to them and grants the user 25% movement speed for 2 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
- Passive - Stormsurge: After 2 seconds, Stormsurge strikes the target with lightning, dealing 100-200 (based on level) (+ 50% AP) magic damage to them. If they die to the lightning or before the lightning strikes, it detonates immediately in a large area around them and you gain 30 gold.
Haunting Guise
- Total Cost: 1300 gold
- Item Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Ruby Crystal + 500 gold
- 35 Ability Power
- 200 Health
- Passive - Madness: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal 2% bonus damage (maximum of 6%).
- Total Cost: 2850 gold
- Item Recipe: Blighting Jewel + Fiendish Codex + 850 gold
- 70 Ability Power
- 15 Ability Haste
- 30% Magic Penetration
- Passive - Life From Death: Whenever you get a takedown on an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them, create a healing nova on their location that heals allies for 50 (+50% AP). 60 second cooldown.
New Assassin Items

Voltaic Cyclosword
- Total Cost: 2900 gold
- Item Recipe: The Brutalizer + Kircheis Shard + 863 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 15 Ability Haste
- Passive - Energized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack. Dashes and Stealth stack Energized 75% faster.
- Passive - Firmament: Your Energized Attack applies 100 bonus physical damage and Slows enemies for 99% for 0.75 seconds. Slow is a melee only.
Profane Hydra
- Total Cost: 3400 gold
- Item Recipe: Tiamat + The Brutalizer + 863 gold
- 60 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 20 Ability Haste
- Active - Heretical Slash: Deal 65% total Attack Damage physical damage to nearby enemies. This damage increases to 97.5% total Attack Damage physical damage to enemies below 30% health.
- Passive - Cleave: Attacks deal 40% AD (melee) / 20% AD (ranged) damage to other units within 450 units of the target hit.
- Total Cost: 3000 gold
- Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk + Caulfield's Warhammer + 900 gold
- 60 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 15 Ability Haste
- Passive - Ego: When you kill an enemy champion you are granted a statue of yourself.
- Passive - Eminence: When a champion that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds dies, gain 10 (+1 per Statue) Attack Damage for 60 seconds.
- Total Cost: 2700 gold
- Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk + Nether Shard + 800 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 6% Movement Speed
- Passive - Murder: After being out of combat with Champions for 8 seconds gains bonus Lethality. This Lethality lasts for 3 seconds after dealing damage to champions.
- Passive - Murderspeed: If a champion dies within 3 seconds of damaging them, gain 150 decaying movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
- Total Cost: 900 gold
- Item Recipe: Long Sword + 550 gold
- 20 Attack Damage
- 4% Movement Speed
The Brutalizer
- Total Cost: 1337 gold
- Item Recipe: Glowing Mote + Pickaxe + 212 gold
- 25 Attack Damage
- 10 Ability Haste
- 8 Lethality
New Tank Items

Hollow Radiance
- Total Cost: 2800 gold
- Item Recipe: Bami's Cinder + Spectre's Cowl + 550 gold
- 600 Health
- 40 Magic Resistance
- 100% Base Health Regeneration
- Passive - Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by 25% against minions) for 3 seconds. Taking or dealing damage refreshes the duration of this effect.
- Passive - Moonburn: Killing an enemy (non-ward, non-structure) deals 30 (+3.5% bonus HP) magic damage in an area around them.
Unending Despair
- Total Cost: 2800 gold
- Item Recipe: Chain Vest + Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + 800 gold
- 400 Health
- 55 Armor
- 10 Ability Haste
- Passive: While in combat with champions, every 7 seconds, deal magic damage to nearby enemy champions, healing for 175% of the damage dealt.
Kaenic Rookern
- Total Cost: 3000 gold
- Item Recipe: Spectre's Cowl + Negatron Cloak + 850 gold
- 350 Health
- 80 Magic Resistance
- 100% Base Health Regeneration
- Passive - Magebane: After not taking damage from champions for 15 seconds, gain a magic shield for 18% of your maximum health.
New Fighter Items

Sundered Sky
- Total Cost: 3100 gold
- Item Recipe: Tunneler + Caulfield’s Warhammer + 900 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 15 Ability Haste
- 300 Health
- Passive - Lightshield Strike: The first attack against a champion will critically strike for 150% damage and heals for 110% base AD +8% of missing health.
Nitro Hexaegis
- Total Cost: 3000 gold
- Item Recipe: Tunneler + Noonquiver + 600 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 20% Attack Speed
- 300 Health
- Passive: Gain 30 ultimate ability haste.\
- Passive: After casting your ultimate, gain 35% attack speed and 15% bonus movement speed for 7 seconds.
- Total Cost: 1100 gold
- Item Recipe: Long Sword + Ruby Crystal + 350 gold
- 15 Attack Damage
- 250 Health
New Enchanter Items

Glowing Mote
- Cost: 250 gold
- 5 Ability Haste
- Total Cost: 2700 gold
- Item Recipe: Bandleglass Mirror + Bandleglass Mirror + 700 gold
- 40 Ability Power
- 20 Ability Haste
- 150% Mana Regeneration
- Passive - Dawncore: Gain 3% Heal and Shield Power and 5 Ability Power per 100% Base Mana Regeneration.
- Passive - Summoner Spell Haste: Gain 18 Summoner Spell Haste.
New Marksment Items
- Total Cost: 3200
- Item Recipe: Recurve Bow + Last Whisper + Dagger + 750 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 30% Attack Speed
- Passive - Shadow: Attacks apply 30 magic damage on-hit.
- Passive - Juxtaposition: Alternate between Light and Dark on-hits each attack. Light attacks grant 3-5 armor and magic resist (up to 15-25) for 5 seconds. Dark attacks grant 6% armor penetration and magic penetration (up to 30%) for 5 seconds.
New Support Items

Riot also feel that there are way too many different support items with differing playstyles, hence why they are going to be making some huge changes to the support item pool and evening it out to make sure everyone understands what they have to do.
Word Atlas
- Total Cost: 400
- 30 Health
- 25% Mana Regeneration
- 25% Health Regeneration
- 3 gold per 10 seconds
- Passive – Support Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Runic Compass and gain the ability to hold wards.
- Passive – Gold Generation: Gain a charge every 18 seconds, up to 3 charges. While near an ally champion, consume a charge to earn gold via the following methods:
- Damaging abilities and attacks against champions or structures grant 30 (melee) / 28 (ranged) gold.
- Killing a minion by any means grants you 20 gold and the nearest allied champion the same amount of gold they would have received had they killed the minion.
Runic Compass
- Total Cost: Upgraded from World Atlas at 500 gold.
- 100 Health
- 50% Mana Regeneration
- 50% Health Regeneration
- 5 gold per 10 seconds
- Support Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Runic Compass and gain the ability to hold wards.
- Gold Generation: Gain a charge every 18 seconds, up to 3 charges. While near an ally champion, consume a charge to earn gold via the following methods:
- Damaging abilities and attacks against champions or structures grant 34 (melee) / 32 (ranged) gold.
- Killing a minion by any means grants you 28 gold and the nearest allied champion the same amount of gold they would have received had they killed the minion.
Bounty of Worlds
- Total Cost: Upgraded from Runic Compass at 1000 gold
- 100 Health
- 50% Mana Regeneration
- 50% Health Regeneration
- 5 gold per 10 seconds
All Upgraded Items
All upgraded items will share the same stats with the differentiator being the upgrades mentioned below.
- 200 Health
- 75% Mana Regeneration
- 75% Health Regeneration
- 5 gold per 10 seconds
List of Support Items Upgrades

Celestial Opposition
- Passive – Blessing of the Mountain: Become Blessed to reduce incoming champion damage by 40% (melee) / 25% (ranged), lingering for 2 seconds after taking damage from a champion. When the reduction wears off, unleash a shockwave around you that slows nearby enemies by 50% for 1.5 seconds. Effect refreshes after leaving combat for 15 seconds.
This upgrade will probably help out tank support that need to stick to their targets. Good examples are Leona, Alistar or Nautilus.
Solstice Sleigh
- Passive – Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion grants you and a nearby ally with the lowest amount of health 120 bonus health and 90 movement speed for 4 seconds (20 second cooldown).
This might be the perfect upgrade for enchanters that need to peel their ADC's. Nami or Karma will rock this Passive.
- Passive – Spellblade: After using an ability, your next attack is enhanced with an additional 75 physical damage on-hit (1.5 second cooldown). If the target is a champion, apply Expose Weakness, increasing the damage they take by 12% (melee) / 8% (ranged) for 6 seconds.
This is the go-to upgrade for AD supports like Pyke or Senna.
Dream Maker
- Passive – Dream Maker: Gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble every 8 seconds. Healing and Shielding another ally blows both Dream Bubbles to them and empowers them for 3 seconds. Blue Bubble reduces 140 incoming damage on the next hit and Purple Bubble grants 90 bonus magic damage on the next hit.
This is the best option for enchanter supports that use heals or shield, such as Soraka, Milio or Sona.
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
- Passive – Void Explosion: Dealing ability damage to a champion causes an explosion at their current location that damages the target and nearby enemies, dealing 50 (+3% maximum health) magic damage, capped at 300 against monsters. 3 second cooldown.
Mage supports like Zyra, Lux or Xerath will destroy their lane opponents with additional burst damage which they'll receive with this upgrade.
These are all the major item changes for LoL Season 14, but those aren't the only ones. Multiple items will also get adjusted, so make sure to read our in-depth article on everything League of Legends Season 14 items!
LoL Patch 14.1: Map & Jungle Changes
The map is also going to have major adjustments. Sure, we aren't getting a whole new Summoner's Rift, but the Void plays a much deeper role in the layout and the neutral monsters, with Baron Nashor, finally seeing some changes as well in this League of Legends season and patch.
Jungle Map Changes

Riot is making multiple changes to the map. While until this point some sides had advantages due to the terrain, this changes the next season with the map changes Riot has planned. Some entry ways have been changed from the river to the top lane and bot lane, to even out the playing field.
There have also been some changes to the mid lane, with the area around the towers opening up, allowing for more interesing game play opportunities.
Jungle Monster Changes
There are also a bunch of major changes and adjustments being added to the map and the monsters living in it. Baron Nashor is going to be getting three different forms which spawn at random, with the first Rift Herald also being taken out from the game completely.

The first Rift Herald is being replacded by none other than Void Grubs. Killing the Void Grubs will give you a buff which is going to help with taking down towers. Get all 6 Void Grubs and you've even got little Void creatures that will help you take down towers.
The Rift Herald is going to spawn at 14-minutes and you can now ride her, just like you can ride the sled in the game mode Nexus Blitz. This is going to also let you knock up opponents and not just target towers, which will be quite interesting and fun.
Not only will these big creatures affect the map, Riot is also going to be adding in some cool Void-inspired changes to the Rift. Blue and Red buff will be affected by the Void, giving larger buffs, but the creatures are going to be much harder to kill. The Rift Scuttlers will also have a special Void-Effect.
New LoL Skins In Patch 14.1
All the Dragonmancer Videos are now live on the channel
— SkinSpotlights (@SkinSpotlights) December 6, 2023
Of course, we are also going to be getting some major skins updates in this League of Legends patch. With 2024 being the year of the dragon, we are sure to be getting some dragon-themed cosmetics and this patch is going to kick off with some Dragonmancer skins.
- Dragonmancer Kassadin
- Dragonmancer Fiora
- Dragonmancer Vayne
- Dragonmancer Rakan
- Dragonmancer Rakan Prestige Edition
This is going to be the second skin Rakan gets without his beloved Xayah. She does have the Brave Phoenix skin, and prestige, without him, so maybe that universe is somehow conntected to the Dragonmancer universe? Could be pretty cool.
LoL Patch 14.1: Hotfix B-Patch Revealed
Lead gameplay designer Matt Leung-Harrison leaked some interesting new adjustements for the current patch, including some hotfixes that need to be done.
While we don't have specific numbers, we can still tell you what's going to get nerfed, buffed or adjusted.
Champion Buffs
- Corki
- Ezreal
- Lux
- Naafiri
- Zac
- Zed
Champion Nerfs
- Aphelios
- Fizz
- Gwen
- Kayle
- LeBlanc
- Singed
- Taric
- Teemo
Item Buffs
- Essence Reaver
- Heartsteel
- Hubris
- Profane Hydra
- Ravenous Hydra
- Stridebreaker
- Tiamat
Item Nerfs
- Collector
- Hextech Rocketbelt
- Stormsurge
- Titanic Hydra
- Trailblazer
LoL Patch 14.1 B Release Date
As already mentioned, Patch 14.1 B is going to release on January 13. This hotfix patch will bring up some massive changes right from the start of Season 14.