We already know that Riot Games is completely removing the powerful mythic Items from the game and returning them to legendary items, but they went a step further and removed some items completely out of season 14.
League of Legends Season 2024 is upon us and with it quite a bit of changes. We will be getting a new summoners rift, a new baron but also new items. But they will also be taking items away from us. Riot has removed a handful of the very familiar items, but don't worry, some concepts of the items have been reworked and been put on the new items.
LoL Season 14: Every Item Removed From The Game
Removed Mage Items
- Crown of the Shattered Queen
- Everfrost
- Leeching Leer
- Demonic Embrace
- Night Harvester
- Luden's Tempest
- Stopwatch (and the Perfect Timing rune)
Now I'm sure you are quite surprised but worry not. As I said, some effects or even better versions of the effects have been but on new and/or returning items such as the haunting guise for example. And for all you Zhonyas enthusiasts, I'm sure you will be glad to hear that you don't have to buy the statless stopwatch anymore, since the stasis effect is now put on the good old reliable seeker's armguard.
Removed Assassin Items
- Duskblade of Draktharr
- Prowler's Claw
The list is minimal but understandably so. Assassin items have been lacking lately, so riot just threw out the toxic or bad designs, reworked the rest and even made some great new ones that I can't wait to hear you all complain about next season.

Removed Tank Items
- Turbo Chemtank
- Radiant Virtue
- Evenshroud
- Gargoyle's Stoneplate
- Aegis of the Legion
- Lifewell Pendant
These items have been removed because they didn't see much play or because some effects would have just been too good even as legendary items. Rest assured, tho, tanks are not becoming less tanky with the new items.
Removed Enchanter Items
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Chalice of Harmony
These items have lost a lot of strength during earlier updates last season and have been pretty unpopular since. After the changes to Mortal Reminder, the Chemtech Putrifier just wasn't worth it anymore, and now riot has removed it.
Removed Fighter Items
- Goredrinker
- Divine Sunderer (finally, good riddance)
- Silvermere Dawn
- Ironspike Whip
After nerfing Goredrinker for the x-th time, and it still being bought, they might as well just remove it now. It was clear they didn't know what to do with it, and with the comeback of Hydra items and Tiamat it isn't really needed anymore. Personally, I have been calling to remove Divine Sunderer since its introduction, and now they have finally listened to me — writing those 200 support tickets really paid off.

Removed Marksmen Items
- Rageknife
- Galeforce
After removing the dashes of Prowler's Claw, Stridebreaker and such, it was only a matter of time for Galeforce to get the boot.
I am a huge fan of all the changes riot has in store for us in season 2024, and I can't wait to try it out myself. If you want to find out more, already had onto the PBE to test out the preseason there!