LoL Season 14 is going to kick off soon with Patch 14.1. Riot has a lot of things planned for Season 14, one of which is an overhaul of the entire map.

Riot is making some big changes in this preseason. Last year we had the whole overhaul of the jungle position, bringing in jungle pets and other changes were added in, but this year Riot is looking at the bigger picture, ready to make huge adjustments to the League of Legends map itself.
There are some big changes for every single lane, as well as some major jungle creature adjustments, as Riot have already revealed as well. So, how exactly will the map look different in 2024?
LoL Season 14: Major Map Adjustments
Riot is making the changes all over the map to ensure a new experience on Summoner's Rift. The devs decided that for 2024 they want to equalize the map to make both the red and blue side stand on equal footing. The team also wanted to give more agency to the top lane and give it more of an impact, hence why some of the changes were made.
Top Lane Map Changes

The map will be seeing some major adjustments in the top lane to make sure that both blue and red side have the same amount of agency. Add in the randomness of the terrain changes thanks to the new Baron update and you will have a different game every single time you log in.
Riot will be cutting off the top lane red side, so it is going to be more like the blue side. The red side has been more susceptible to ganks because of the open entryway, and by cutting it off and adding a path to lane further back will even out the lanes.
Bot Lane Changes

Similar to the top lane, the bot lane red side is much safer than the blue side bot lane. So, to even it out, Riot has changed the bot side wall for those on the red side to have an entry closer to the lane, and closing it off further back. This basically mirrors the way the blue side looks as well and makes it more fair.
Mid Lane Map Changes

The mid lane will also be getting some map changes to mirror the red and blue side. While the raptor camps are the same currently, the other sides will be receiving changes to that the path from mid lane to the river is equal on either side. This will also open up paths closer to the mid lane tier 1 towers.
These changes will be very fun and should open up the map more for some crazy tower dives from the enemy team. This is going to change the way mid laners play, especially early on which is going to be pretty fun to see.

These are the big changes this preseason and will create a whole new experience. Whether it's a good thing to have the red and blue side will be seen, but Riot is willing to try out new things to improve the game. They also aren't afraid to revert some things if they don't work out – looking at mythic items.
So it'll be interesting to see how the terrain changes, as well as jungle camp changes will affect the 2024 League of Legends Season.