Hwei will be the newest addition to the League of Legends roster. He is classified as an artillery-mage midlaner. But that would be boring…so can you play him top?

It hasn't been long since Riot Games gave us a good toplaner with K'Sante, but if you're looking for some more magic in your play style, Hwei might just be what you are looking for. He isn't originally made for the toplane, but that never stopped those pesky vayne players, so why should it stop you?
What Tools Does Hwei Have?
With his 3 different subject playstyles, Disaster, Serenity and Torment, Hwei is prepared for most of the things that you can throw at him. His disaster spells are his damage dealing spells. Serenity is for more utility and with torment he is looking to crowd-control you.
First, if you want to learn what abilities the champion has and how they work, you should look here for answers:
Now that you know everything there is to know, let's look how he could perform in the top lane.
Since he is an artillery mage he's going to have quite a bit of poke, so he probably will do just fine against melee champions, at least in the early levels. His passive “Signature of the Visionary” will help him keep up the pressure once he hits you with multiple damage spells.
Speaking of damage spells, Hwei has a quick burst damage q spell, a long range poke spell that deals more damage to isolated enemies and a slowing area of effect damage spell. Pretty basic damage spells, but in a good combo he can dish out lots of damage on very long range. His Q “Devastating Fire” will be his main filler farming/poking spell and will most likely be the spell that you will use the most.

The Serenity subject spells are his utility skills. His Q “Fleeting Current” is an AOE move speed increase that makes him and his allies move faster. This will be amazing to kite out some melee combo based champions.
If that doesn't work, his W “Pool of Reflection” will give him and his allies a shield. Mages in the top lane have always struggled with mana-sustain in the past before getting key items like lost chapter, so his E ability “Stirring Lights” will be essential in his gameplay. It gives him a buff where his next 3 attacks or spells deal bonus magic damage and grant mana on hit.
His Torment subject skills will be focused all around crowd control. The Q ability “Grim Visage” is a fear, his W “Gaze of the Abyss” is a root that reminds of Swain's W and his E is a pull.
Is Hwei Viable For Top Lane?
In general, Hwei definitely has the tools to work and function as a top laner. He has enough damage to kill tanks and squishier champions alike, and with the huge amount of utility and crowd control in his kit, he is able to keep danger far away.
However, his kit isn't necessarily easy to use, especially with all the depth it provides. Wasting a precious Q cooldown on his damage subject means you can't fear your opponents anymore. If Hwei manages to keep his enemies in reach but far away enough from himself, he can work wonders. Watch out against champions like Irelia, Olaf, Mordekaiser or Malphite who can engage you head on and most likely won't care about your crowd control abilities.

If you want to learn more about Hwei and in what roles he could perform good in check these out: