There have been multiple complaints and reports of players landing in high Gold after placements and being new players, Riot acknowledges this is wrong and promises to make fixes in LoL Season 14.

If you've gone on Reddit at all during the time between Christmas and New Years, then multiple threads of new players landing in Gold after their placements must have jumped at you. Well, Riot also saw those posts and they've responded to the players directly.
Matchmaking and placements in League of Legends have always been an issue, with visible and invisible rankings confusing everyone and their mother, but Riot has promised that starting in Season 14 they want to improve the matchmaking, especially for new players.
LoL: Riot To Make Adjustments To Placements For New Players

New players who have never touched League of Legends or games like LoL shouldn't end up in Gold after a few ranked games. That's a sentiment most have, but it seems that the current ranking system from Riot does put players in Silver, at least.
While it seems the players complaining on Reddit were outliers in the system, the current placements of newer players in ranked is in Silver, which most, even Riot, believe is a little too high.
How does someone (my gf) lose every ranked game, then get placed Gold 2?? by u/Bidufus in leagueoflegends
The average insertion point for new players after they finished a few games of ranked is somewhere in silver, and it will be lower next season – what we have in place now is admittedly poor.
Riot Iskar stated on a Reddit thread that there will be changes made to the placements and that new players will, on average, be placed lower than silver even. Theyn also explained that those placed in high gold are outliers, even if it doens't seem like it with how many have come forth on Reddit lately.
Riot Iksar regarding new account placements in ranked
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) December 31, 2023
Of course, visible rank is not that important in League of Legends, with the matchmaking taking place behind the scene with a plyers MMR, insteaf of their visible rank so it'll be interesting to see how Riot is going to be fixing the matchmaking system in League of Legends to get players on their even rank.
The most important thing, from my personal opinion, is just to play a lot. The more someone plays, the more data the matchmaking has to be able to place someone in the correct games. But with school and jobs... who knows how much time someone has to play ranked everyday, eh?