Quite some time has passed since Riot announced the visual and gameplay update for our favorite League of Legends scorpion Skarner! And let me tell you, he most definitely had his well deserved glow up! How about we take a look at his new set of abilities first?

Skarner, The Primordial Sovereign, finds his way back onto the Summoner's Rift in patch 14.7. After being one of the oldest champions in League of Legends, he now received his long awaited “all-inclusive” treatment, including many new artworks, an updated lore and most importantly, a new set of abilities!
Let's not waste any more time and head straight into the new abilities of Skarner!
LoL: Skarner VGU – New Ability Rundown
The ancient brackern Skarner is revered in Ixtal as one of the founding members of its ruling caste, the Yun Tal. Committed to preserving Ixtal's security through its seclusion from the outside world, Skarner's dedication is unwavering.
“I am the vanguard of Ixtal's protection!” — Skarner
However, as dissent grows within the Yun Tal regarding this policy, Skarner's fear for Ixtal's safety intensifies. Determined to protect his homeland and its inhabitants at all costs, he becomes increasingly determined, ready to take any measures necessary.
LoL: Skarner's New Abilities
Let's check out Skarner's new set of abilities:
Ability | New Effect |
P – Threads of Vibration |
Q – Shattered Earth |
Q – Upheaval (Recast) |
W – Seismic Bastion |
E – Ixtal’s Impact |
R – Impale |
And, how do you like Skarner's new abilities?
Personally, I find it quite interesting how Riot managed to change every singe ability and even gave Skarner some entirely new features, while still keeping his essence in a way! The only thing that kind of got lost on the way is Skarner's old crystal theme, however, his new colors fit him and his lore much better anyway.
LoL: Skarner's New Combos

In general, Skarner's new play style seems to be quite easy yet effective! There seem to be no super exciting or high-skilled combos, however, one thing Skarner definitely will be is tanky and annoying!
His Q — Shattered Earth / Shattered Earth is something that can be pressed whenever a fight is about to start, since it just offers you a good amount of damage. This makes Skarner much more dangerous for tanks, especially if we are taking his P — Threads of Vibration into consideration as well!
Next to that, the most obvious combo would be his E — Ixtal’s Impact into his R — Impale, which allows for an insane amount of crowd control! If you want to initiate a fight, how about you just grab one of the enemy's frontliners and push them into their team, followed up by a team fight winning Ultimate to make sure no one can threaten your carries lives!

To make sure you will survive huge fights like this, you W — Seismic Bastion will be of great help!
As soon as the new Skarner is finally on the PBE and later also on the live servers, we will probably be able to better assess how strong his new kit will be. At first glance, however, he definitely seems to have gained in strength and is now probably one of the biggest CC machines in the entire game!