Electronic Arts Sets Sights On Dynamic Ad Integration in AAA Games

Electronic Arts CEO recently Andrew Wilson hinted at the company's exploration of dynamic advertising within AAA games, signaling a potential shift towards more personalized commercial content tailored to users' habits and interests.

Ea ad integration
Are there going to be ads in video games soon? | © EA/EarlyGame

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Electronic Arts, recently revealed the company's consideration of integrating dynamic advertisements into AAA games. While not a new concept for Electronic Arts, as the company has included real-world advertisements in its games for about two decades, this latest move focuses on what's known as 'DAI' – Dynamic Ad Insertion, a more sophisticated method of delivering commercial content tailored to users' habits, history, and interests.

A New Frontier or Invasion of Privacy?

During a recent earnings call, Wilson discussed the potential implementation of dynamic advertising within AAA games, although without specifying which games would be involved:

"Advertising presents a significant growth opportunity for us. We currently have internal teams exploring thoughtful integrations within our game experiences."

Traditionally, the inclusion of advertisements in games has sparked controversy within the industry. Recent examples of 'invasive' ads on certain platforms have drawn criticism, with sudden, full-screen commercials particularly upsetting players. Typically, in-game advertisements are limited to billboards, posters, and product placements.

However, with the sophistication of DAI, Gamers may soon encounter targeted ads within their gaming experiences. Some see this as a natural evolution of the industry, as advertising revenue represents a significant income stream for many sectors, offering yet another avenue for publishers and developers to bolster their earnings.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
