Ranked League of Legends has two types of players: those who surrender easily over small setbacks and others who refuse to surrender no matter the odds. Riot struggles to balance for both – and this hilarious suggestion made by a community member does not fit their plans.

Surrendering in League of Legends is easily explained. In any regular Summoner's Rift game mode – that is normal games and ranked – you can cast a surrender vote at any point after 15 minutes of in-game time have passed.
If you initiate the vote, you will automatically vote in favor of a surrender. If the vote is passed by four out of the five players, the game immediately ends in a loss for the respective team.
Fun modes like ARAM and URF follow different rules for surrenders. For example on Howling Abyss, you can already initiate a surrender vote after eight minutes. This is fine in these modes since they are more fast-paced than classic Summoner's Rift.
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Also, should you encounter an AFK player on your team, you can instead remake the game if the timer has not yet passed three minutes and 30 seconds. After that, you can ask for a surrender vote after ten minutes, and your LP loss will be reduced to make up for the disadvantage.
Riot has updated this system multiple times in the past, and players keep making suggestions for it. However, some of these suggestions are not that great, as evident by a recent Reddit post.
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In a post that was deleted in the meantime, a user has made the revolutionary suggestion to let teams surrender much earlier than 15 minutes – whenever they concede first blood, to be exact.
We probably do not have to tell you why this is not a great idea. First blood usually occurs very early in ranked, and some players tend to get tilted as early as that point in the game. Giving them the option to immediately admit defeat is not something that Riot want to do, and that is for good reason.
Thankfully, the community is also not a big fan of this idea. Other members of the League of Legends Subreddit are not happy about the possibility of being stuck in an endless loop of champion selects.
Comment by u/Proxnite from discussion Give teams the option to surrender once they lose first blood. in leagueoflegends
Apart from that possibility, Redditors also call out the weak mental fortitude that they believe the original post displayed. Some of them take this opportunity to call themselves out for a weak mental state. Others recommend that user to take lessons from former professional player Mads 'Broxah' Brock-Pedersen, who has earned a reputation for being unwilling to surrender in any given situation.
At the end, it was Redditor AlbatrossNecklace who made his message very clear with what probably is the smallest amount of words possible for this message.
Comment by u/AlbatrossNecklace from discussion Give teams the option to surrender once they lose first blood. in leagueoflegends