The new LoL champion, Briar's splash art was leaked not too long ago and the LoL community went wild... for feet. Now someone covered those shiny toes up, making a majority of the community hope that Riot will do so as well when the official splash is released.

Briar is the new LoL champion coming to Summoner's Rift. Ahead of her release, someone has already leaked part of her kit, as well as her splash art. One thing caught the attention of the LoL community though right away when they saw it, and that was her feet.
Now that feet are popular is nothing new, but it just blew up with the League of Legends community. Right away, Briar became the most sexualised character, all because of some shiny bright feet, but someone decided enough was enough and created a new alternate splash, which has upset many.
New LoL Champion Briar: Goodbye Feet
In an updated splash art, which quickly made the rounds online, someone edited shoes onto her feet. Some fans quickly thought Riot had taken action and changed the art themselves, but that was quickly debunked, and it seems that some random internet vigilante did god's work and gave the vampire some shoes.
Just goes to show.....creepy weirdos never win #BRIARHASSHOES
— Qiyana4WildRift (@chan_exe) August 24, 2023
Of course, it is important to mention that all of this information still comes from leaks, so who knows whether the final splash art will actually look like this. Maybe someone is just trolling the internet completely, so any information has to be taken with a grain of salt here.
Briar is expected to release in LoL Patch 13.18, so we should find out more concrete information on the champion when the PBE goes up on Tuesday, August 29, 2023. Until then, we just have to hope that no illuminated feet are part of the final splash art – and I'm not kink shaming anyone here... or am I?