Riot will be pausing upcoming Clash tournaments. This is another consequence of the recent cyberattacks which also caused some issues with PBE builds and balance changes.

You wanted to gather your four best friends to play some Clash this coming weekend? Well, good luck on that, you'll likely have to play some Flex Queue instead, because Riot has announced that Clash is currently paused due to the recent cyberattacks.
So not only has the PBE build been messed up, causing some balance changes to be pushed back, but now it also affects those of you who want some added form of competition when it comes to League of Legends...
Riot Reveal Bad News For League of Legends Clash Fans
Riot Riru went on Reddit and revealed why players have not heard any news on upcoming Clash dates for 2023. Because of the social engineering attack that took place at the start of 2023, Clash has been paused while Riot is trying to understand the implications of the cyberattack.
Once Clash starts back up you'll want to pick one of these champions:
An official announcement will be made in the upcoming LoL Patch 13.3 Patch Notes which are set to drop on February 8, 2023, but for now it looks like we're going to be a good month without any Clash action again.
When Could Riot Host the Next Clash Event?
According to Riot Riru it looks like they are planning for a Clash event in March, but also added that this isn't set into stone. They asked for patience from fans and that official information will be coming in the following days since the team themselves are still trying to work out the situation.
Unfortunately, there is nothing concrete yet regarding Clash, but Riot is working on a solution, so players can play with their friends in a tournament format again soon.