People who play Yuumi might be seeking a challenge. Yuumi is like the overlooked Lego you step on, causing discomfort. She's not enjoyable to play against. I think she should be taken out of the game.

I'm not alone in my Yuumi-hating sentiments. There's a petition on advocating for Yuumi's removal from the game. Even Riot, the game's developers, when queried about her balance, responded with a 'no'. These developers, who designed her, have made my nights restless. What's needed for this cat to be removed from the game?
But EarlyGame is a journalistic website, and we want to keep that integrity. So while I would love to rant about cats for the entire article, I'll also be giving you cold hard facts about why Yuumi should be deleted.
Should Yuumi Be Deleted From League of Legends?
The answer to that question is quite simple. It's a solid 'Yes', Yuumi should be deleted from League of Legends. Not only is she some stray that leaves her tics all over her team when she is on picked, but also spreads tilt like it's nobody's business when she is picked by the enemy support.
1. Pets Have No Business On Summoner's Rift
LoL is a game for hard champions that punch one another in the face. If they don't have strong fists, then they use weapons to slice one another open. This isn't the CFA International Cat Show – I did have to google that, and it's fancy as heck – but a Battlefield where sweet kittens get trampled to the ground. I'm looking at you Norra, keep your pet away from Summoner's Rift and remove Yuumi from the game!
2. The Gameplay Is Not Interactive
Honestly, Yuumi just flies around on her book and attaches herself to her ADC like a clingy ex who just doesn't understand that it's over. Oh, and the only interaction is her detaching herself from the ADC every once in a while to throw out an auto-attack to proc her shield. Wow. I think I'm a mechanical god when I only need to hit 1 key.
3. You Can't Kill Yuumi
If you're mad about this point, then well done. You're on the correct side of the rift – the one Yuumi isn't on. All of those unlucky souls who have to play with the cat on their team unfortunately automatically lose -20 LP and gain nightmares. Those who pick Yuumi on purpose end up burned at the stake. Seriously, Yuumi just hops from teammate to teammate, evading death, and it's annoying as hell. Please Riot, delete Yuumi from League.
4. Yuumi Can Never Play Alone
It isn't Yuu and Mi in paradise. There is no paradise here when it comes to Yuumi. No religion on this planet will forgive you for insta-locking the cat from hell. Seriously, divine punishment will reign down on those who do so and nobody can help the sinners there.
Yuumi also can't stand on her own four feet. She is bound to a partner and can't do anything on her own. She is a mere shield bot who hangs off her ADC like an annoying piece of gum that you can't get rid of, no matter how hard you try to scrape your shoe against the ground.
And kills, don't even think about those. Yuumi is the most passive champion in the game, chilling on the shoulders of her ADC. Hell, go make some tea, have a short nap and wake up every once in a while to press E for a heal here and there. That's basically all she is good for anyway, so it's best she is just deleted from League of Legends.
5. Yuumi Is Just A Badly Designed Champion
Riot, please do your best to listen to us and delete this hellcat from the game. This champion is just bad. Nobody gains anything from her, except maybe a few extra minutes of much-needed sleep, but she isn't even a good champion. Riot, you've buffed her and nothing has changed. Let us all agree that the game would be a much better place if Yuumi wasn't part of the champion pool. So please, just delete Yuumi from League of Legends.
The Current In-Game State of The Cat

In recent times, you can rest safely my fellow Yuumi haters. For a few patches now, the only Yuumi-thing present on Summoner's Rift are the bad memories of long gone and boring 2v2's on the bottom lane. At the moment she's boasting an abysmal 46.71% win rate and just gets picked in 4.98% of all LoL Games, so you rarely encounter her.
It seems like even Riot Games has finally understood how hard the game was hit by their dirty deeds, and simply won't buff her enough to come back. Which is totally understandable by the way, since she was absolutely annoying in every ELO and especially in pro-games, where she was sometimes played as THE damage dealer on the lane.
Hope to see you never again cat, and enjoy your stay in the "never-gets-picked-and-played pit", where you can hang out with champions like Yorick. I couldn't imagine a more fitting place for you.
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This article was originally written by EarlyGame Author Eric Ganther in German and does not represent my views on the Champion Yuumi at all. I actually enjoy the cat champion, so please Riot, don't delete Yuumi from League of Legends.