LoL Arena has been out for a week and the meta is slowly shaping up, but some champions and items are just too strong, which is why Riot will release a small mid-patch hotfix to tone down some of the power.

LoL Arena has been out for a week. Some champions are pretty damn good, and those overpowered picks will soon see the nerf hammer from the Riot Games Arena balance team. Sorry Taric, your 65% win rate is a little too good.
It was revealed earlier this week that Riot is going to be adding a mid-patch update in which they will tackle some of the overperformers in the brand-new Arena game mode. But who other than Taric is going to be seeing a lot of change?
LoL Arena: Mid-Patch Update To Nerf Champs & Systems
There are quite a few champions on the nerf list for the LoL Patch 13.14 mid-patch update. Of course, these won't be the only balance changes for the game mode, Riot is also going to continue to monitor Arena and the strength of champions throughout the Soul Fighter Event.
Mid-Patch Champion Nerfs For Arena

Let's quickly go over all the Arena nerfs to champions first. Of course, we've got Taric, but there are a few other champions that have been just as obnoxious that will also be receiving some key nerfs.
Champions | LoL Arena Nerfs |
Cassiopeia |
Kai'Sa |
Kindred |
Kog'Maw |
Taric |
Twitch |
Vayne |
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Kai'Sa will also be receiving some additional nerfs that should go live in LoL Patch 13.15, which will also have an effect on her in Arena.
One pick that has surprised fans though is none other than Heimerdinger. He's one of the most banned champions in the game mode, his towers making him a menace in Arena and letting him get free kills without so much as lifting a finger. EZ GG. Players do hope he will receive some more nerfs in Patch 13.15.
Mid-Patch System Nerfs For Arena
The adjustments above aren't the only changes in the mid-patch update though. Riot is also looking to nerf some items and systems as well that have been too strong throughout the first week of the new game mode.

Healing has been quite an issue in Arena, which means that some healers are going to be nerfed as well by simply reducing the strength of their items.
Moonstone Renewer
- [Bugfix] No longer has minor recurisve chain healing
- Chain Heal Amount: 40% >>> 30%
- Chain Shield Amount: 45% >>> 35%
- Heal Amount: 350-700 >>> 250-500
Perseverance (Augment)
- [Bugfix] Now correctly amps Base HP Regen instead of all HP Regen
This should make some of the OP healers feel a little better to play against in the coming weeks, as Arena continues to be a key part of the League of Legends client.
As mentioned, there will be multiple changes in the upcoming LoL Patch 13.15 as well, but these are some initial mid-patch updates. The Arena balance team will make sure to add more adjustments in the coming patches.