Below, you can find the release date and start time for League of Legends Season 14 Split 2.

In League of Legends, ranked splits divide the competitive season into shorter segments. During a split, players compete in ranked matches to climb divisions and tiers. Or, at least, they try to when they aren't battling smurfs (Riot will address smurfing more seriously this year, apparently). At the end of a split, players receive rewards based on their performance.
We are currently in Season 14 Split 1, but when will Split 2 start?
When Does League of Legends Ranked Season 14 Split 2 Start?
League of Legends Ranked Season 14 Split 2 will start on May 15 at 00:00 local time (or at least, 00:00 local time for the specific server you choose to play on). So it's time to get to work before Split 1 ends!

And there you have it, that's how long you have left of the current split. Are you aiming for a certain rank? Or is League stressful enough already?