League of Legends players have come to Reddit to ask Riot for a new ping in their ping wheel. Instead of 'bait' or 'vision' they now want a 'I'm sorry' ping.

League of Legends players have asked Riot to add a new ping into the wheel to help with communication and to curb some of the toxicity in the game. While it is certain that any ping can be misused – we all remember the bait ping – but more communication is always a good thing in a team game.
The players have proposed that Riot adds some form of "I'm sorry" ping to the wheel. While this isn't inherently going to help with the game itself, this could help with the blatant toxicity in the game.
League of Legends Players Asking For New Ping

At the start of the 2024 season, Riot wanted to make communication a top priority, which is why they've decided to add new pings to the ping wheel. With these pings came better in-game communication and coordination for a game that has little to no voice comms.
Of course, this will always make communication limited, which is why players have come up with some new ideas for pings that could be implemented in the future. One of the new ping suggestions is an "I'm sorry" ping.
Why I think we need a "I am sorry" ping by u/jsc0712 in leagueoflegends
One player noted that when someone might make a mistake, it could feel and seem intentional when there is no proper way to apologize. This can chip at someone who is already on the brink of tilting, which is why something as small as a 'sorry' ping could help stop people from flying off their rocks.
Typing in chat also doesn't always work in certain situations, and the original poster on Reddit also noted that they feel that the moment they type in chat they are more likely to be harassed.

I just avoid typing in-game because it makes you more vulnerable to your next mistakes. As soon as your toxic teammates realize that you can type, they will dedicate their efforts to try to hurt your feelings instead of focusing on the game.
Other players agree with the post, saying they would love something like an apology ping. Until now, most people "apologize" with emotes in some way or form, but these aren't always going to be interpreted correctly either. Whether Riot will implement a feature like this is yet to be seen, but maybe for the 2025 LoL season?