We are currently in the first Split of Season 14 in League of Legends. Here is when Season 14 Split 1 will end.

In League of Legends, ranked splits divide the competitive season into shorter periods, typically lasting a few months each. Each split features its own ranked ladder, where players compete to climb divisions and tiers by winning matches. At the end of each split, players receive rewards based on their performance.
You can check out our tier-lists if you want to improve in Ranked (or you can just play one of the hottest champs like we do). We are currently in the first split of Season 14, here is when you can expect the second split.
When Does League of Legends Ranked Season 14 Split 1 End?
Ranked Season 14 Split 1 will end on May 14, at 23:59 local time (or whenever it's 23:59 for the server you choose to play on). And then immediately afterward Split 2 starts!

That was your overview on how much longer you have left to enjoy Split 1 in LoL Ranked Season 14. Are you going for a specific rank? Or is LoL already stressful enough as it is?