Call of Duty: Vanguard has sixteen maps, not including Champion Hill. What are these maps? What do they look like, and how do they play?

Call of Duty: Vanguard is out, and it's a whole lot of fun. Unlike its predecessor, Black Ops Cold War, Vanguard has released with a huge set of maps. Many of these maps are contenders for some of the best the series has ever seen, but let's be real, what you want is to see them, right?
The huge selection of maps that have released with Call of Duty: Vanguard tell us a lot about what we can likely expect from the next year of CoD. There are some massive maps in Call of Duty: Vanguard, and some smaller, quainter ones. Overall, they are beautiful, exciting, chock-a-block full of little nooks and crannies to find, and a real return-to-form for the series.
What we have for you today is something very special: footage of every Multiplayer map in Call of Duty: Vanguard at launch and after. Some of these are just a little exploration of the map itself, and a few of them are action packed (though appallingly played) multiplayer matches. Let's stop blabbering, and get the bloody-hell on with it!
All of Vanguard's Season Two Maps
Call of Duty: Vanguard Season 2 has seen the release of two more maps, Gondola and Casablanca. The Roadmap for Season 2 revealed not a ton of Zombies content, but a whole lot of multiplayer content that is totally worth investing your time in. For our complete coverage, don't forget to check out our Call of Duty page.
Have you ever seen the 1942 film, Casablanca? It's a classic, an absolutely incredible film that everyone needs to see at some point in their lives. In terms of the Call of Duty: Vanguard map, we do have a bit of a killer on our hands. Play this map with some mates, paying attention to the tips in our map guide, and you'll be guaranteed to be saying "We'll always have Casablanca" in a few years time.
Gondola is an absolute camp-fest and, to be honest, not really worth the time that was invested in its development. Honestly, we're aware that Call of Duty: Vanguard is far from the best CoD, but what even is this? This is certainly the worst out of the two new multiplayer maps that were added in Season 2.
All of Vanguard's Season One Maps
Two new maps launched with Vanguard Season One, Paradise and Radar. We have footage of both, and have plopped them below for your enjoyment. Additionally, Map Guides for both are here and absolutely killin' it!
Paradise might be beautiful, but it's a bit of a mess. It's just kind of this big meaningless map with very little in it. It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but feels kind of empty. Ideal for objective-based game modes, we'd recommend an assault and long-ranged loadout for Paradise. Here's a quick-look:
Radar is definitely the highlight of Call of Duty: Vanguard's first season. It's bright, beautiful, and fantastically designed. We really had a lot of fun running around this little tight-knit map, with that cool radar dish, and those intense corridors. It's definitely a must-play!
All of Vanguard's 16 Launch Maps
Below, you will find footage of all sixteen maps released for Call of Duty: Vanguard at launch. Keep in mind, of course, that these do not include the Champion Hill maps, or indeed, any of the Zombies Maps available in Vanguard! We will address those soon, but each of these individual maps have their own individual map guides, linked within their descriptions, so if you are curious in a particular map, you can dive in further...
We're starting off strong,with one of the best maps to come to Call of Duty: Vanguard. I do apologize for my absolutely appalling performance in this map. That being said, this was the first map I played when I got my hands on Vanguard, and honestly, Berlin is possibly the most fun I have had from a Call of Duty multiplayer map in quite a while. Enjoy some terrible Berlin gameplay, check out our map guide, and get hyped to play this fantastic new map!
Running around Bocage by yourself is almost as fun as playing a match on it. A tiny little farm-town map, it's absolutely gorgeous as well. All in all, Bocage is a beautiful, green map, and a whole lot of fun in Call of Duty: Vanguard. Please enjoy our quick look around, and make sure to top your CoD knowledge up with some quality tips and tricks!
Castle is the remake of a classic World at War map. In Vanguard, the map has been overhauled and is one of the most beautiful and enjoyable in the game, seriously, you need to check it out! Get nostalgic, and enjoy our quick look around. This is a map that you must play if you pick up Call of Duty: Vanguard.
Das Haus
This mock-up American house is a pretty underwhelming little beast in Call of Duty: Vanguard. Das Haus is supposed to be a training-ground for Nazi's planning on invading the US. The concept might seem a bit bizarre, but we have to admit, Das Haus is a little too basic for our taste. Enjoy our exploration of Das Haus in Vanguard.
Decoy is an odd little map in Call of Duty: Vanguard, and it will be interesting to see how it plays out down the line. The strange-looking grass, with the strange-looking farm houses, the whole thing just screams "weird". There are a few sticking points, though, that you should be aware of before you dive in. Oh, and enjoy our little walk around.
Demyansk might be dark and dreary, but it can be pretty beautiful too. The snow, the drab buildings, and the frightfulness of it all quite literally sends figurative shivers down our spine. Oh, also, that Russian Orthodox church is pretty creepy.
Desert Siege
Desert Siege is one of our personal favorite maps in Call of Duty: Vanguard. Seriously, it's just that damn pretty. It is a shame that there isn't as much freedom in this map as we'd hoped for when first exploring it. We are a little disappointed that we can't climb right up to the top of some of these towers, and it does feel a bit messy when playing with higher combat pacing settings, so don't forget to check out our little walkthrough!
This little beauty is one of Call of Duty: Vanguard's crown jewels. Dome is a miniscule little map, set in the ruins of a giant domed building. It's intense, frightening, and just a lot of fun when playing with high combat pacing settings. We also love it for objective-based game modes, but we'll save that conversation for the map guide.
Eagle's Nest
One of our favourites from the Beta, Eagle's Nest is ripe and ready to go in Call of Duty: Vanguard. There's not a huge amount that hasn't already been said about this map, nestled on the top of a mountain. It's gorgeous, scenic, and bitingly cold. It also holds for some really intense close-quarters fights.
Take to the beaches of World War 2 in Gavutu, one of Call of Duty: Vanguard's biggest maps. There are some really interesting little spots in this bad-boy, so get psyched for an intense, all-out war. On higher pacing, this is the Vanguard map that makes you feel the most like you are fighting in World War II. The problem is that there are a few choke points and power positions that kind of destroy the overall experience.
Hotel Royal
Another great one from the Beta, Hotel Royal, is a true beauty to behold. Set inside a fancy Parisian Hotel, this is an incredibly intense and enjoyable map in Call of Duty: Vanguard, and one that I believe will go down in the history books. There is some great verticality in this map, some wide-open spaces, and some intense indoor fighting to be done.
Numa Numa
Oh, yes, I really did very terribly in this match. That being said, Numa Numa is one insanely solid map. Those close-quarters corridors, spread out over the larger arena, leads to intense trench-warfare fighting. It's a joy to play, and one of Call of Duty: Vanguard's best maps. What is really important, though, is having the perfect loadout for Numa Numa. Here's the first match I played... Try not to laugh.
Oasis is a pretty standard little map, and honestly nothing too special. That being said, I have always hated playing free-for-all matches, so that could have been part of my initial problem. The thing is, though, that despite many subsequent games, Oasis never seemed to be anything but irritating.
This little desert town, adjacent to an Oasis, is littered with the carcasses of tanks, and abandoned, semi-ruined buildings. It might be one of the more bland maps in Call of Duty: Vanguard, but Oasis is something that might need to grow on us.
Red Star
Call of Duty: Vanguard's biggest map is also one of its best. The freezing Russian winter is alive and well in Red Star, and on higher combat pacing, this is a map to write home about. Whilst I personally prefer Gavatu, the wide streets in Red Star juxtapose nicely with the intense indoor battles that the buildings lining the street create.
Sub Pens
This is one epic map, centering around a massive submarine. In Sub Pens, you fight within a Nazi Submarine facility. It's a relatively big map, but consists almost entirely of narrow corridors. The centerpiece is the huge submarine, which acts as a heightened area, exposed, but fantastic for taking out enemies at a distance. Sub Pens does, however, exemplify some of Vanguard's graphical deficiencies. Check it out for yourself...
As fans of beautiful, quaint Italian towns, it breaks our heart to see Tuscany in such disarray. That being said, it does make for an amazing map in Call of Duty: Vanguard. Seriously, Tuscan is a stunning Vanguard map, and totally worth a play... even if you can't climb up into those towers... We really rambled a lot about this mapin our guide, so we apologize for that. Check out our walk through of Tuscan!
There are a ton of maps in Call of Duty: Vanguard, and even more are coming in future Seasons and updates. We will keep you updated in future articles, and make sure to update this article every time that a new map gets released for Vanguard.