Your team texts you in strange abbreviations, and you have no idea what they mean? No worries, we've got your back. Whether you are friends with a Valorant maniac, or want to learn more lingo words that will help you communicate with your team, this article is for you.

In competitive FPS games, there is simply no time to write essays on the team chat, and it is no different in Valorant. Players use all sorts of abbreviations and slang to quickly and efficiently communicate with each other, and in this article, we will look at all the most popular words and abbreviations that can positively affect in-game communication.
You may know a big part of these terms from other FPS games like Counter-Strike or Call of Duty, but we have also included some exclusive Valorant lingo words. Without further ado, let's get right into it!
Valorant Slang Explained
Term | Meaning |
Ace | Abbreviation for "All Clan Elimiation". Mostly used when the entire opposing team gets eliminated by one person |
ADR | Abbreviation for "Average Damage per Round" |
AFK | Abbreviation for "Away From Keyboard" |
Aimbot | Illegal / bannable software that aids our accuracy |
Aimpunch | Expression on shaking screen after receiving damage |
AK | Alternative term for Vandal (based on its CS:GO equivalent weapon) |
AWP | Alternative term for Operator (based on its CS:GO equivalent weapon) |
Term | Meaning |
Battle Sage | A mocking term for someone who plays Sage in an aggressive manner. Also known as Duelist Sage. |
Bhop / Bunnyhop | Jumping technique with mouse strafe to the sides. Read more here: What is Bunny-hopping? |
Bomb | Alternative term for the Spike |
Term | Meaning |
Camping | Hiding in places unnoticed by other players |
Car | Alternative term for Raze's Boombot ability |
Carry | A player with significantly more kills than the rest of his team |
Clutch | Situation in which one player is left alone against his opponents |
Counter-strafe | A movement technique that is based on moving the opposite sideway. Read more here: Valorant Counter Strafe: Complete Guide |
CT | Alternative term for the Defending Team |
Term | Meaning |
DM | Abbreviation for "Deathmatch" |
Dog | Alternative term for Skye's Traiblazer ability |
Dink | Alternative term for a headshot |
Dry peek | Peeking without using any abilities |
Term | Meaning |
Eco / Eco Round | An economic situation in which a team must refrain from buying more expensive weapons |
Eco frag | A kill scored during the opposing team's eco round |
Entry frag | First kill of the round |
EZ | Abbreviation for "Easy" |
Term | Meaning |
Feeding | Playing too aggressively |
FF | Abbreviation for "Forfeit" |
Force buy | Buying more expensive weapons despite less than ideal economics |
Frag | Alternative term for a kill |
Full buy | Buying the best weapons possible |
Term | Meaning |
GG | Abbreviation for "Good Game" |
GH | Abbreviation for "Good Half" |
Glass Cannon | Buying an expensive weapon without Shields |
GLHF | Abbreviation for "Good Luck Have Fun" |
Griefing | Making the game more difficult for your team |
Term | Meaning |
Habibi | "My love" in Arabic. Used mostly for ironic flirting on the in-game chat |
Heaven | Area above a Spike Site, mostly used as a sniper's nest |
Hell | Area below Heaven |
HF | Abbreviation for "Have Fun" |
HS | Abbreviation for "Headshot" |
Term | Meaning |
IGL | Abbreviation for "In-Game Leader". Read more here: What Does "IGL" Mean in Valorant? |
Term | Meaning |
Jumpthrow | The movement of throwing and jumping at the same time, often used with smoke or grenade abilities |
Term | Meaning |
MB | Abbreviation for "My bad" |
MM | Abbreviation for "Matchmaking" |
Molly | A short for "molotov", relating to abilities like Brimstone's Incendiary, Phoenix's Hot Hands, and Viper's Snake Bite. These are grenades that kind of explode on detonation and cover the surrounding ground |
Term | Meaning |
Ninja defuse | Unexpected Spike defusal |
No scope | Shooting a sniper rifle without zooming in |
NP | Abbreviation for "No problem" |
NS | Abbreviation for "Nice shot" |
NT | Abbreviation for "Nice try" |
N1 | Abbreviation for "Nice one" |
Term | Meaning |
One tap | Scoring a kill with just a single shot (often a headshot) |
One way | The type of situation in which you can see your enemy and he can't |
OP | Abbreviation for "Overpowered" |
OT | Abbreviation for "Overtime" |
Term | Meaning |
Pocket Sage | Sage that is playing extremely passive |
Prefire | Shooting before actually seeing the enemy |
Term | Meaning |
Rage | Alternative term for experiencing frustration |
Rage hacking | Used when someone starts using illegal software like the aforementioned wallhack and aimbot, after losing a few rounds |
Rage quit | Leaving a match due to frustration |
Revive me, Jett! | A reference to a popular video in which a Valorant fan asks Jett to bring him back to life, even though it is not within her abilities. |
Rez | Abbreviation for "Resurect". A reference to Sage's Ultimate Ability |
Roomba | Alternative term for Raze's Boombot ability |
Rotating | Basically, moving from one place to another |
Roza ult | Unsucessful usage of Raze's Ultimate Ability |
Term | Meaning |
Save | Avoiding potential contact with the opposing team in order to retain weapons due to the low chances of winning the round |
Shift walk | Moving without making any noise |
Smurf | A player who has quite good skills and deliberately plays at low ranks. Read more here: Valorant to Counter Smurfs: Smurf Detection System in Testing |
Stack | Used when a team puts 4 or 5 players on the Spike Site |
Strat | Abbreviation for "Strategy" |
Term | Meaning |
Team Ace | When every player from your team gets at least one kill in a round |
Teamkill | When you deliberately kill a member of your team |
Throw | Used when we want to say that someone did not try to win the game |
Thrifty | When you win a round spending less money than the enemy team |
Tilt | State of emotional frustration |
Toxic | Someone with very negative behavior. Read more here: |
TP | Abbreviation for "Teleport" |
TY | Abbreviation for "Thank you" |
Term | Meaning |
Ult | Abbreviation for "Ultimate Ability" |
Term | Meaning |
Wallbang | Killing or hitting an opponent through some kind of obstacle (wall, box, etc.) |
WH / Wallhack | Wallhack is illegal software that lets you see enemies through walls |
WP | Abbreviation for "Well Played" |
Term | Meaning |
9-3 Curse | A common situation in which the first half of a game ends with a score of 9-3, and the losing team eventually comes back stronger than ever and wins the game. Read more here: What is the 9-3 Curse in Valorant and is it Real? |
Alright, and that's it for our Valorant slang dictionary! Found a lingo word that is missing? Make sure to join our Discord and share it with us on our dedicated Valorant channel!
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