Jujutsu Kaisen is undeniably one of the most popular anime and manga series currently in production. Season 2 just ended, and one character stole the hearts of thousands. To such an extent, in fact, that he may receive an official memorial...

Season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen has left a huge mark on viewers and fans. The show has grown to be one of the most popular animes, with the source manga also gaining attention as one of the biggest Shōnen Jump series.
One character from the show seems to have touched so many hearts that even the government of Malaysia has caught wind of the series popularity and now fans might be able to get a memorial for said character in the future.
Jujutsu Kaisen Character Could Receive Official Memorial In Malaysia
Warning: There are some spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 in this article!

A tourism executive within the Malaysian government revealed that they're hoping to capitalise on the popularity of one specific Jujutsu Kaisen character. According to them, a great many fans have taken note of Kuantan Beach, which featured in season 2, and plan to visit it in real life, in Malaysia.
Fans of the [Jujutsu Kaisen] anime have marked [the beach] on Google Maps as a memorial to the character Nanami Kento. We hope the government can get an endorsement from the creator [of Jujutsu Kaisen] so that the beach becomes a new attraction for anime fans around the world.
1. Pahang hopes to further promote a beach in Kuantan, after it was referenced in the popular anime Jujutsu Kaisen, says state exco Leong Yu Man."Peminat anime ini telah menanda dalam peta Google sebagai tugu peringatan kepada watak Kento Nanami," she adds. pic.twitter.com/ymDsL7roRP
— BFM News (@NewsBFM) December 6, 2023
In episode 42 of the anime, Nanami expresses his desire to visit the beach in Kuantan before his death, with a montage of the character on the beach also in the episode. This is right before he meets his untimely end with his pupil, Yuji watching. The whole scene is a surefire way to get any Jujutsu Kaisen fan emotional and upset.
Since the release of the anime episode, fans have built a memorial for Nanami in Malaysia, and now the government is also getting involved, wanting to help build a permanent fixture on the beach. They're currently trying to get into contact with the JJK creator to see whether they're able to build an official memorial for the character.