LoL Patch 14.10 is going to make some major changes to one specific champion that is older than you.

Some League of Legends champions are ancient and in need of updates. Just recently, Riot finally revealed Skarner's Visual and Gameplay update, with the champion shooting up in popularity.
Throughout the last few years, smaller updates have also taken place to freshen up older champions, like Syndra for example. Well, now another old champion is on the Mid-Scope list, but will these changes improve him?
LoL Patch 14.10: Riot Making Big Changes To Corki
Corki is a weird character. He used to be played in the bot lane, shifted to the mid-lane and is now virtually only viable in pro play. So, Riot is looking to make some adjustments, which Riot Phreak talked about in a recent video on his personal YouTube channel.
Phreak revealed that the goal for these changes are to make Corki viable in the bot lane once more and that he can finally be a hype champion once more.
There are quite a few small changes that Riot is planning, but the devs will also take away his most iconic ability... the Package. So, let's check out the exact changes that are currently planned.
Passive – Hextech Munitions
- 15% bonus true damage, including Sheen
- Remove The Package
Package was one of the most iconic abilities Corki has and also one of the most powerful. With the removal of the Package, Riot is going to buff the champion. This is being done by adding in his old passive back, only this time improving it with bonus true damage on auto-attacks including Sheen.
Q – Phosphorus Bomb

- Missile Speed Buff
- AD Ratio Buff
- Cooldown Changed
- Mana Cost Buff
His Q is going to be much quicker, with missiles landing faster and dealing more damage thanks to the AD ratio changes. This seems like a huge buff to the champion from his current state.
W – Valkyrie
- Damage Re-Scripted (Buffed)
- Particle Updates
This is pretty simple and not too much changed. The visuals will be improved for his W and the damage will also be improved. Phreak did not go into details, but we should know soon once the changes land on the PBE.
E – Gatling Gun

- Cooldown Buffed
- Shred Cap Buffed
- Shred Rate Buffed
- Damage and AD Ratio Nerfed
While the E will have a better cooldown, as well as improved shred rate and cap, the overall damage should be nerfed due to Damage and AD ratio changes. But with the rest of his kit getting an overall buff, it isn't a bad sacrifice.
R – Missile Barrage
- Ammo on Rank-Up
- Ammo Rate/Cap Nerfed
- Ammo Refunds on Champ Auto
- Mana Cost Nerf
- Physical Damage, Higher Base
- Bonus AD no longer scales on Rank

Corki's entire ultimate will be a bit different. The ammo amount will scale with rank, and players can even refund ammo when hitting champions. But it would be a bit too powerful, so Riot will nerf a few aspects of his ultimate, like the previous scaling which will be removed in LoL Patch 14.10.
Overall, the community seems to really like these changes, with many stating they didn't truly like the package due to it being gatekept behind a timer. So once these changes hit the PBE we will know whether Riot Phreak hit the mark with them.