TSM was once the biggest brand in esports, but after multiple scandals, as well as a botched partnership deal, the org has sunken into the abyss. But a recent message has fans hopeful once more.

TSM is one of the most well known esports orgs in the world. Having a rich history, especially in League of Legends esports, has made the team garner a huge fan base, but throughout the last few years support has dwindled.
Scandals involving the team's Owner, as well as a partnership deal gone horribly wrong, have tarnished the org's image. In a recent statement, the team has vouched that they still want to be a part of esports.
League of Legends: TSM Wants To Make LoL Esports Comeback

TSM left League of Legends esports at the end of their 2023 season with Shopify Rebellion taking over their LCS slot. The org still has an Apex team, as well as some Rockdet League representation, but nothing in the League space, which is where they made their initial name.
Now, in a recent Reddit post, the team does express that they want to return to the LoL scene.
[...] we want to reaffirm that TSM is still fully committed to esports. Although we cannot share many of the finer details of our plans for the future, we can confirm that we are actively looking to participate in multiple Tier 1 esports [..] We are equally as eager as you are for TSM to return to LoL Esports!
It seems that TSM is looking to enter into another Tier 1 League of Legends esports region, but the Reddit post does explain that it takes time for something like this to happen, which is why they're aiming for the end of 2024.
TSM Esports Communications Update by u/tsm in TeamSolomid
not only is the org looking to League of Legends, but they've also set their sights on Valorant and Call of Duty as well to expand into a wider array of esports as well.
Let's see whether these things come true or it's just lip service to fans who still have hope of the grand TSM return... up to this point it hasn't looked good for the org, with their previous social media manager stating that there are only 9 people left working at TSM.