Patch 14.3 is finally live! We're here to tell you everything about buffs, nerfs, adjustments, events and what else you could possibly ask for.

With Patch 14.3 we get the return of a fan favorite game mode, but also the Lunar Revel 2024 Event also for this year. Let's dive into all the deets!
LoL PBE Patch 14.3: Champion Changes
In Patch 14.3, we got once again tons of adjustments for champions. Yorick, Maokai, Shaco and Corki are receiving really big ones that could change their winrate significantly.
Champion Adjustments

- Passive – Special Delivery
- package duration reduced: 60s → 45s
- W – Valkyrie
- AP ratio increased: 40% → 60%
- cooldown reduced: 20-16s → 20-12s
- mana cost reduced: 100 → 80
- R – Missile Barrage
- Malignance no longer counts toward Eclipse's passive
- tentacle range increased by 125 bonus range (total range: 925)
- tentacle base damage reduced: 10-180 → 9-162
- tentacle AD ratio reduced: 120% → 115%
- base mana regeneration reduced: 7.2 → 6
- Passive – Sap Magic
- base heal removed
- heal increased: 4-12% max HP → 4-12.8% max HP
- Q – Bramble Smash
- cooldown reduced: 8-5s → 7-5s
- mana cost reduced: 60 → 40
- E – Sappling Toss
- cooldown reduced: 14s → 16-12s
- mana cost increased: 45-85 → 60-80
- R – Nature's Grasp
- cooldown reduced: 120-100s → 130-90s
- mana growth reduced: 0.45 → 0.35
- W – Jack in the Box
- mana cost reduced: 70 → 70/65/60/55/50
- bonus damage on monsters increased: 10-50 → 20-80
- W no longer gets one-shot by Grubs
- E – Two-Shiv Poison
- mana cost increased: 65 → 75
- R – Hallucinate
- Shaco's clone now creates an orange poof when it snaps back to haco or teleports for any reason
- clone duration is now displayed on the HUD
- clone no longer loses its AA target when casting spells
- Runes: Ultimate Hunter no longer gets replaced by Relentless Hunter
- Empowered Q anf R tagged as Ultimates, W and E aren't
- Passive – Bridge Between
- now notes that Udyr empowers it with Ultimate effects
- now benefits from Ultimate effects like Ult Haste
- Passive – Shepherd of Souls
- Mist Walkers leash range reduced: 2000 → 1600
- Q – Last Rites
- mana cost reduced: 25 → 20
- heal is no longer doubled when below 50% health
- now heals an additional 4-8% missing health
- heal reduction changed from minions to non-champions
- E – Mourning Mist
- cast time reduced: .33s → .25s
- now visually arcs higher
- R – Eulogy of the Isles
- mark monster damage cap reduced: 100-300 → 100 flat
- mark proc cooldown removed
- mark damage reduced: 3-9% max HP → 2-3% max HP
Champion Buffs

With tons of new items, two patches won't be enough to balance the power level for champions. Therefore, we also got some buffs for champions, who really need some love and struggle with the system changes.
Aurelion Sol
- Q – Breath of Light
- mana cost per second reduced: 45-65 → 30-50
- stacks per champion burst: 1 → 3
- W – Astral Flight
- mana cost reduced: 80-100 → 50-70
- cooldown reduced: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16s → 15/14/13/12/11s
- % Q damage during W increased: 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% → 18/20/22/24/26%
- E – Singularity
- stacks per unit executed reduced
- champion: 5 → 2
- epic monster: 5 → 2
- cannon minion: 3 → 2
- large monster: 3 → 2
- stacks per unit executed reduced
- MR growth increased: 1.3 → 1.45
- E – Primal Surge / Swipe
- minimum base heal increased: 35-95 → 50-150
- minimum AP ratio increased: 27.5% → 35%
- attack speed increased: 20-60% → 30-70%
- base armor increased: 45 → 47
- Q – Bone Skewer
- mana cost reduced: 74-90 → 70-90
- bonus AD ratio increased: 60% → 75%
- W – Ghostwater Dive
- movement speed increased: 40% + 1.5% per 1 lethality → 45% + 2% per 1 lethality
- lethality ratio increased: 1.5% per 1 lethality → 2% per 1 lethality
- E – Phantom Undertow
- base damage increased: 105-265 → 100-300
- Q – Twin Bite
- attack speed increased: 40-60% → 50-70%
- first hit AP ratio increased: 35% → 50%
- W – Burnout
- movement speed AP ratio increased: 0.8% per 100 AP → 0.12% per 100 AP
- Q – Threaded Volley
- base damage per stone increased: 50-130 → 60-132
- E – Unraveled Earth
- cooldown reduced: 16-14s → 14s flat
- Q – Crushing Blow
- bonus range increased: 75-175 → 135-175
- bonus AD ratio increased: 45% → 55%
- E – Nimbus Strike
- cooldown reduced: 10-8s → 10-7s
- base AD increased: 53 → 56
- R – Lightning Crash
- cooldown reduced: 100/85/70s → 80/75/70s
- base armor increased: 18 → 21
- armor growth increased: 4.5 → 4.7
- W – Satchel Charge
- cooldown reduced: 24-12 → 20-12
- base mana regeneration reduced: 13 → 7
- mana regeneration growth increased: .4 → .8
- Q – Deadly Spines
- mana cost reduced: 70 → 55
- W – Rampant Growth
- small unit cooldown refund increased: 20% → 35%
Champion Nerfs

In the course of the beginning of Season 14 some champions became way too strong with all the adjustments for the game and new items. Therefore, we can expect multiple nerfs for champions incoming in the next couple of weeks, including for Patch 14.3.
- base mana regeneration reduced: 7 → 5
- Passive – Blaze
- monster damage reduced: 220% → 200%
- Q – Sear
- base damage reduced: 80-200 → 70-190
- Q – Mystic Shot
- AD ratio reduced: 135% → 130%
- R – Trueshot Barrage
- base damaged reduced: 350/525/700 → 325/500/675
- bonus AD ratio reduced: 120% → 100%
- RQ – Mantra + Inner Flame
- base damage changed: 35-350 → 40-310
- AP ratio reduced: 70% → 50%
- Passive – Dream-Laden Bough
- damage AP ratio reduced: 1.5% max HP per 100 AP → 1.25% max HP per 100 AP
- Q – Blooming Blows
- AP ratio reduced: 90% → 70%
- base health reduced: 620 → 590
- Q – Savagery
- AD ratio reduced: 100%-120% →100-115%
- AD ratio (empowered Q) reduced: 140% → 130%
- base health reduced: 686 → 650
- Q – Chomp
- base damage reduced: 20-100 → 10-90
Item Changes

With the addition of tons of new items in Season 14, it would be naive to think that they'd be able to balance them all within two patches. Therefore, we just got tons of adjustments for lots of items once again.
Riot is adjusting lots of proc items, including changes for Statikk Shiv, which has struggled to find its spot since re-release. Other items are gonna be Echoes of Helia, Luden's Companion and Stormrazor. Check it out below:
Echoes of Helia
- heal per shard increased: 20 → 40
- damage per shard reduced: 55 → 45
Kraken Slayer
- base damage increased: 140-240 (35-85 based on level) → 140-310 (35-85 based on level)
- AD ratio removed
- AP ratio removed
Luden's Companion
- cost reduced: 3000 → 2900
- AP increased: 90 → 95
- damage per stack changed: 40 + 8% AP → 45 + 4% AP
- cost reduced: 2800 → 2700
- DoT AP ratio reduced: 6% → 5%
- MR shred changed: 6-12 → 10 flat
Profane Hydra
- cleave AD ratio increased: 40% melee / 20% ranged → 50% melee / 25% ranged
- Active bonus damage against low health targets reduced: 150% → 130%
Stattik Shiv
- cost reduced: 3000g → 2700g
- champion base damage reduced: 100-180 → 90 flat
- move speed duration increased: 1s → 1.5s
- base damage increased: 90 → 100
- AD ratio removed
- AP increased: 90 → 95
- base damage changed: 100-200 → 140 flat
Sundered Sky
- health increased: 300 → 450
- AD reduced: 55 → 45
Titanic Hydra
- health increased: 500 → 550
- Active primary target health ratio reduced: 6% melee / 3% ranged → 4% melee / 2% ranged
Item Buffs

Archangel's Staff
- cost reduced: 3000g → 2900g
Essence Reaver
- AD increased: 55 → 60
Guinsoo's Rageblade
- item recipe changed: Hearthbound Axe + Long Sword → Recurve Bow + Pickaxe (total cost unchanged)
- AD increased: 30 → 35
- AP increased: 30 → 35
Rod of Ages
- health increased: 350 → 400
- mana increased: 300 → 400
- cost reduced: 1000 → 900 (Sheen item prices unchanged)
Item Nerfs

Boots of Swiftness
- slow resist reduced: 40% → 25% (bug fix that it should've been increased in Preseason)
- AD reduced: 60 → 55
Guinsoo's Rageblade
- item recipe changed: Heartbound Axe + Long Sword → Recurve Bow + Pickaxe (total cost unchanged)
- AD increased: 30 → 35
- AP increased: 30 → 35
Essence Reaver
- AD increased: 55 → 60
Hextech Alternator
- damaged reduced: 50-125 → 65 flat
Hextech Rocketbelt
- damage reduced: 125 + 15% AP → 100 + 10% AP
Kaenic Rookern
- shield health ratio reduced: 20% max HP → 18% max HP
- shield cooldown increased: 12s → 15s
Lich Bane
- Sheen base AD ratio reduced: 100% → 75%
Youmuu's Ghostblade
- out of combat movement speed reduced: 40 → 40 melee / 20 ranged
- Active movement speed reduced: 20% → 20% melee / 15% ranged
Rift Herald Changes

Players got a rough time controlling the new Rift Herald correctly. Therefore, Riot adds a small quality of life approvement.
- For the first three seconds after spawning, Rift Herald has very high maneuverability and will be easier to turn. Every 2 seconds after Herald slowly becomes less maneuverable as its speed increases
- Crashing into a wall while controlling Herald will deal damage equal to that of crashing into a tower to Shelly ⇒ Crashing into a wall while controlling Herald will deal 20% of the damage received compared to crashing into a tower to Shelly
- Player-summoned Rift Herald trinket spawning has been sped up by 1 second
Mythic Shop
Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan is leaving the shop. If you want to know more about the obtainable skins and loot, click here.
Upcoming Events In Patch 14.3
While we don't know much about the champion changes, we can assure you that you will be thrilled with the events Patch 14.3 has got to offer.
Return Of URF (Ultra Rapid Fire)

The first event we'll talk about is gonna be URF! URF got tons of fans, and I'm sure everyone is excited to see the return of it. However, we're not sure if it's gonna be All Random URF or a normal URF mode. We're hoping for the latter. On February 7, we can expect URF to return together with the release of Patch 14.3.
Lunar Revel Event 2024

But URF won't be the only event, which we can expect in Patch 14.3. The Lunar Revel Event is going to have its comeback also in this year to celebrate the Lunar New Year in China.
With it, you'll be able to purchase a Lunar Revel Event Pass and can get brand-new Heavenscale skins for the Rift. The event will be available for two patches, meaning, it will last till the end of Patch 14.4.
There you have it! These are all the deets for Patch 14.3.