Riot have just revealed key information on the visual update for Lee Sin. We also finally know when the champions ASU is going live.

Lee Sin is one of the most iconic champions in League of Legends, and he's also one of the most broken... literally. We all know what he looks like with his broken neck animations, right? Well, all this is going to be changing soon, with his Art and Sustainability Update just around the corner.
In a recent dev blog, Riot Brightmoon and Riot Meddler revealed when the Blind Monk is going to have his glow-up on Summoner's Rift and Lee Sin mains won't have to wait much longer.
League of Legends: Lee Sin ASU Will Be Released Soon
Lee Sin got a brand-new model. To make the champion more consistent across the board, Riot had to create a brand-new model for the champion so they could clean up his animations and make him look the same with all of his skin, something that had been lacking throughout the last few years.

Now, Riot have worked on creating a more unique silhouette for Lee Sin, adding in his ponytail, which until this point and time was basically glued to the champion and not seen while in the game. The new changes should make him stand out in the long list of mid-sized but buff male champions we've got in LoL, right?
His animations and all his skins were cleaned up, and you won't break your neck every time you play Lee Sin anymore. The visual and sound effects were also cleaned up with every single skin, and Riot even went and added in some cute little extras for some skins, like his Nightbringer skin's eye on his chest now actually moving.
So, when will all these changes finally go live? According to Riot Brightmoon and Riot Meddler, Lee Sin is basically ready and will be added to live servers with LoL Patch 14.9. This means he should be live on May 1, 2024. You'll be able to test him out on the Public Beta Environment starting April 16, 2024.