There are some champions in League of Legends that are always part of the pro meta, but K'Sante takes the cake.

Esports has started back up again for the 2024 League of Legends season. As teams are fighting for a chance to represent their region in Chengdu, China at the 2024 Mid-Season Invitational, things are heating up.
There are some champions that are part of the current meta, while others are just always in the meta. One of those is the finals champion of 2022 – K'Sante, who, thanks to his damage output and durability, continues to dominate the scene.
LoL: K'Sante Has Over 60% Presence In Professional Play

K'Sante has become one of the most controversial champions in League of Legends, due to how good he is in pro play. He's a solid pick that can be flexed into the mid lane, and who is relatively safe when in the right hands. Making a damage dealing tank is OP... who would have thought, eh?
Well, the League of Legends community is not too happy with his consistent appearance in pro games. Even casters have lamented the fact that this champion seems to be picked, or banned, in every single match these days.
In 2023, according to, K'Sante managed an overall presence rate of 51% throughout all tournaments taking place that year. Half of the games you watched either had K'Sante picked or banned. Well, 2024 doesn't look any different.
K'Sante had over 65% presence in pro play for all of Season 13 and in Season 14 he's already at over 70%. Is this champion just going to be a meta pick forever in pro play? by u/13yearsand4monthss in leagueoflegends
Sure, 2024 doesn't have as large of a sample size since the season just started, but looking at the numbers on, we see that 65% of games, as of writing this, have K'Sante either picked or banned. He's also got an overall 56% win rate, meaning that he is a viable and good pick and players aren't just choosing him because of comfort.
With new items and a new map, players had hoped that there would be a shift in meta and new champions would arise, but it seems that pro play is the same as ever. Not even a mid-scope rework on his abilities in late 2023 seems to have helped K'Sante as he continues to dominate the game.