Developer Larian revealed that they are having trouble finding new ideas since Baldur's Gate 3 is so big.

Everyone who has played the fantasy RPG Baldur's Gate 3 knows about the game's size. You've got the fleshed out combat system, witty characters and an almost never-ending amount of choices in dialogue or story.
Baldur's Gate 3 is so big that players still find new pieces of content to this day.
The game lets you approach every problem from your unique angle, which makes every playthrough different. The sheer amount of content in this game is not only baffling, but also poses some difficulty for Larian while developing new projects.
Finding New Ideas
Larian confirmed that they've been working on two “very ambitious RPGs”.
In an interview with PCGamer, writing director Adam Smith revealed that they ran into a few issues in the development of their new titles.
One of the biggest problems we have now is that whenever we’re talking about things, we say we did that in BG3.
He continues by saying that this is not a new concern for Larian. The same thing was happening in the development of Baldur's Gate 3 and the Divinity Original Sin series.
He adds:
Have they already seen this pattern? Have they already used these verbs in this order? Have they already had this emotional arc? So you’re constantly trying to make sure that they’re getting a new experience, and you’re not just repeating yourself, and you’re not just giving them content for the sake of content.
We are definitely excited that the devs at Larian are figuring out these difficulties, because it just shows that they care about their player base, and they want to give us new ideas and fresh content.