Chiori is the next 5-star character getting added to Genshin Impact. We got to meet her in Version 4.3 and we know she will be a Geo character. Now her kit seems to have completely leaked online.

In version 4.3 we finally got to meet Chiori, a character we had only heard about up until this point, and people immediately fell in love with this unique new character. Of course, she is also going to be playable and HoYoverse has already revealed that she will be added in Version 4.5.
In true Genshin fashion, her entire kit has also already been leaked, with videos of her skills littering the internet. So, what exactly can Chiori do?
Genshin Impact: Chiori's Kit Revealed
— timely chiori profile will have leaks! (@timelychiori) January 30, 2024
Chiori's kit has leaked online. At first it was just rumors, with many not believing the newest leaks due to them sounding so different from previous information, but with the beta tests for 4.5 kicking off, multiple videos of Chiori's skills have made their way online, cementing the previous leaks.
Chiori is going to be a Geo support/sub DPS according to the information online. Her E will launch Chiori forward. Doing so, she will slash at her opponents while also summoning a small puppet which deals AoE damage to nearby enemies. The damage is based on her attack and defense.
You can also hold her E which will let players adjust where to dash towards. She can also dash into the air and some video suggests that Chiori is also going to have the ability to switch between characters mid-air which could be huge for exploration in the future.
// LEAKSflying chiori including shenhe!
— timely chiori profile will have leaks! (@timelychiori) February 1, 2024
Her Q will unsheathe dual blades inflicting AoE Geo damage which is based on her power and defense.
Her signature weapon has also already been leaked and revealed. The weapon works for on-field and off-field characters with Critical Damage as the substat according to the leaks. Apparently, the sword will increase normal and charged attacks when the character is on-field. When the character is off-field, elemental skill damage will be increased by 24%.
If a nearby character deals Geo damage then the effects increase 100%. The wielders defense also increases by 20%.
// LEAKSchiori's sword
— timely chiori profile will have leaks! (@timelychiori) February 1, 2024
Overall, Chiori's kit looks pretty damn exciting and interesting. Whether the dolls she creates count as geo construct has not been revealed yet, but we can totally see her working in tandem with characters like Albedo. HoYo... please bring Albedo back out of the dungeon, please and thank you.