Genshin Impact is going into it's fourth year already, but there are some aspects that players really want HoYoverse to fix finally. One of those is the in-game shop.

Genshin Impact lives off of it's Gacha-features, but there are also other ways to receive characters within the game. Sure, every once in a while players get a free four-star character and other times they shower players in Primogems, but there is also Paimon's Shop in which characters can be purchased.
But since the release of the game in 2020, it seems like Paimon's Bargain's haven't been updated and players are very frustrated with their buying options.
Genshin Impact Fans Upset Over 4-Star Character Diversity

Genshin Impact is in its fourth year and there are some things the game still hasn't updated since the beginning. One of those is Paimon's Bargains, where with enough Starglitter, players are able to exchange the currency for a 4-Star character available in the shop.
The problem? Since the start of the game, the rotation has always been the same, which hurts new and old players.
Since the release of the game, multiple new 4-Star characters have joined the cast of Genshin Impact and if you've vying for a newer 4-Star like Sara Kujou – who is on the current banner with Raiden Shogun – or Sayu, then you're tough out of luck and either have to hope for it on a standard banner or wish on a specific 5-Star banner with the 4-Star you want on there as well.
I don't understand why Paimon's Bargains haven't been updated by u/darkdill in Genshin_Impact
This issue has fans pretty frustrated, and they hope that HoYoverse will be making some adjustments and changes to the rotation of 4-Star characters in Paimon's Bargains.
One option would be just to add 2-more slots per month for newer characters to also get added to the list. Even "older" characters like Sucrose or Diona aren't available for players to get, since they weren't part of the launch.
Of course, HoYoverse could be doing this on purpose to have more revenue on their banners, hoping that players will pull for a specific 4-Star character alongside a specific 5-Star character as well. So for now, it doesn't look like any changes will be happening soon to Paimon's Shop.