Over the course of the last three years, HoYoverse has spoiled their Genshin Impact Community with a ton of amazing characters to play with. In fact, there are so many of them that it can sometimes be really hard to decide on whom to spend your hard-earned Primogems on! But fear not Traveler, this Tier List will show you which unit is worth pulling for and which ones your account is better off without.

With the release of Genshin Impact in 2020, HoYoverse has laid down an absolute milestone in the history of gaming. Especially through an exciting story, beautiful scenery and very appealing characters, Genshin Impact was able to stand out from all the other gacha games during this time.
However, no matter which part of Genshin Impact you like the most, you have to have a strong and powerful team in order to clear the endgame content. In this article, we will show you what to consider when putting together a comp and which characters you should most definitely add to your account!
Genshin Impact Tier List: Check Out The Best Characters In The Game
Generally speaking, there are two main aspects to take into consideration when putting together a good team comp: the unit's element and their role within a team.

Before you start putting together a comp, it is always advisable to think about who your main carry will be. This is best determined by the strength and the appearance of the character itself. Once that's decided, it's pretty easy to build a functioning squad around them by adding the right supports according to your carry's needs and element.
“Staring into my eyes is ill-advised. I can't promise you'll like what you see...” — Arlecchino
In order to make it a little easier for you, we structured the following tier list into three parts. First we have the main DPS section, which is where you should pick your carry from! Next up, we have the Sub DPS category and last but not least, we will check out our trusty support units as well!
Since Genshin's combat is balanced around Elemental Reactions, we have put each unit's element in brackets behind their names so you can keep an eye on them a little easier as well.
Let's get right into our hyper carries!
Main DPS
Note: Some units may appear in more than one list, since they are suited for multiple roles!
As I already mentioned, your team requires at least one main DPS, who is responsible for dealing most of your team's damage. Choose wisely …
Ranking | 5-Star Characters | 4-Star Characters |
S+ |
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S |
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A |
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B |
C |
One of the best overall characters in the entire game just HAS to be the almighty Raiden Shogun! Next to her beautiful design, her kit is suited for endless scenarios, her burst DMG is almost unfairly strong, and she can be used as a Sub DPS as well! Feel free to invest not only all the primogems you have, but also your entire life into this character.
Next to her, one of my personal favorites from the S+ tier is Neuvillette! Try to get him, if you are open for an uniquer play style and want loads of DMG! If we are looking at the S-tier, I just have to mention Ayaka. She is by far not as strong as she used to be anymore, but can still easily carry you through the game if you invest some work into her build.
Onto to Sub DPS category!
Having a good Sub DPS is essential for a functional team comp! They will support your main unit and deal a good amount of DMG themselves as well.
Ranking | 5-Star Characters | 4-Star Characters |
S+ |
S |
A |
B |
C |
Well … I told you Raiden would be up here as well! I guess I don’t have to tell you a second time how amazing this character is!
One of the most loved units in the entire game can be found in the Sub DPS S+ tier as well: Kazuha! He is a remarkable grouper, who can swirl every element and buff your team's DMG by a ton! Next to that, he makes a perfect companion in an exploration team!
Last, but definitely not least, our supports!
They may not deal a lot of DMG, but your team needs them more than anything else: good supports! No matter if you are looking for a healer, a shielder, or a buffer, you will find them in this category!
Ranking | 5-Star Characters | 4-Star Characters |
S+ |
S |
A |
B |
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C |
Finally, I can talk about my absolute favorite unit in the entire game: Kokomi! I fell in love with her the moment her trailer released and despite everyone telling me she will be garbage, I still pulled for her! Turns out, Kokomi is actually one of the strongest supports your account can have!
Next to her, Nahida is one of the most versatile characters in the game and with her release, a lot of team comps, which were considered bad, have gotten much better or even straight up broken!
And that wraps up our Genshin Impact tier list! If you like a certain character in particular even though they have a bad ranking, don’t be bummed out too much! Almost every single character is playable with the right Artifacts and team comp! As I previously mentioned, Kokomi is a prime example that a shift of the meta makes every unit broken at some point of the game!