A huge number of Counter-Strike streamers are still openly sponsored by gambling sites, despite the ban of gambling on Twitch. They might soon face consequences.

It's no secret that Counter-Strikes skin rolling system is basically gambling. That is why, following the gambling ban on Twitch, Counter-Strike gambling was prohibited.
But to this day, it seems like, the gambling ban has not stopped many Counter-Strike streamers.
Twitch's Gambling Problem
The gambling ban on Twitch caused many things. Streamers, who based their content on gambling, migrated to Kick, which was created by a gambling company called Stake.
This meant that most of the gambling content on Twitch, vanished from the platform, but not entirely.
Not only wasthe act of gambling prohibited, but also the promotion of it. So technically being sponsored by these sites is forbidden as well.
The problem is that many streamers receive huge paychecks from gambling sites.
Barron's investigated the subject, revealing that 120 of the top 300 most-watched Counter-Strike streamers were sponsored by a gambling site.
They spoke to content creators, who reportedly received offers of nearly $200k a month to promote their sponsors.
There are many among these streamers who are still openly gambling on Twitch, and they're not hard to find.
Stay safe out there, folks!