Influencer Secures Position In EU Parliament, Involves His Fans Every Step Of The Way

How Fidias Panayiotou now sits in the EU Parliament. But what he can really achieve there?

Eu parlament
If you always wanted to know what exactly is happening in the EU Parliament, check this out | © Tagesschau, fidias0 via Instagram

A popular social media influencer from Cyprus has decided to dive into the world of politics — and his dedicated followers have been right behind him every step of the way. He's now in a position similar to that of the U.S. Congress, but on the European equivalent. This is the story of Fidias Panayiotou, who now navigates the complex political stages of Europe.

Understanding the European Parliament

Before diving into Fidias' story, it’s helpful to understand what the European Parliament is. Similar to the U.S. Congress, the European Parliament is a legislative body, but it serves the European Union (EU), which is a group of 27 European countries that function as a single entity in certain areas like trade, lawmaking, and security. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are elected by citizens of these countries and are responsible for making decisions on wide-ranging EU laws that affect all member states.

Fidias Panayiotou: A New Kind of Politician

Known for his engaging travel challenges, Fidias used his wide-reaching influence to secure a seat in the European Parliament. His campaign focused on educating younger audiences about politics, a topic often perceived as distant and complex. Interestingly, he let his followers vote on which political group he should join, but ended up without any factional affiliation. This and the option to chose between more than two parties are possible in Europe.

The Role and Power of an EU Parliament Member

In the European Parliament, members review, amend, and vote on legislation, similar to how U.S. congressmen work with bills. Though they can’t initiate laws themselves, they have significant power in shaping legislation. However, the influence of an independent member like Fidias is somewhat restricted because he lacks the backing of a larger group and access to certain parliamentary resources.

European Union Map
This is a map of all the members of the EU. | © European Union

Financial Perks of Being an MEP

Fidias sparked discussions by openly sharing the financial benefits that come with his parliamentary role:


$10 USD is about €9 EUR

  • €8,000 monthly salary
  • €350 for each day he attends parliamentary sessions
  • €30,000 monthly for staff support
  • €5,000 monthly for an office in his home country
  • €4,000 monthly for marketing purposes
  • €10,000 monthly for hosting guided tours in the Parliament

Additional perks include a personal driver in Brussels and business-class flight tickets.

Comparing with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, often referred to as AOC, is a young American congresswoman who, much like Fidias Panayiotou, has harnessed the power of social media to make politics accessible to a younger generation. AOC uses platforms like Instagram and Twitter not just to communicate her positions, but to educate her followers about the intricacies of policy and governance.

Her approach has not only demystified many aspects of U.S. politics but has also encouraged more young people to become involved in political discourse. Similar to Fidias, AOC represents a new wave of politicians who prioritize transparency and direct communication with their electorate, using modern tools to break down the barriers traditionally seen in political engagement.

The Role of the European Parliament: Benefits and Limitations

Despite its flaws, the European Parliament is a crucial part of European democracy. It functions to craft laws that impact millions across Europe. Increasing the power of the Parliament might improve its efficacy, but maintaining a balance to ensure it does not infringe on the sovereignty of member countries is essential.

Due to the complexity of the topic, we have only scratched the surface here - if you are more interested in the topic (and you really should be), please check out the official pages of the European Union. There, in every language represented in the European Union, every single institution and its task is explained in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner.

Fidias Panayiotou's Contribution to Political Education Opinion

In conclusion, Fidias Panayiotou's approach to educating young people about politics is truly commendable. At a time when the EU often seems cumbersome and remote, Fidias brings a breath of fresh air to political education. This is not only praiseworthy but also essential.

By conveying complex topics in a clear and accessible manner, he effectively combats the tide of misinformation and conspiracy theories from the right-wing populist corner. He shows his followers that the EU Parliament is not a distant institution filled with inaccessible politicians, but a place where real, everyday work is done that affects everyone.

Through his efforts, Fidias proves that politics can be transparent and understandable, and that everyone has the opportunity to get involved. This is a powerful message that can have a significant impact in our often cynical times.

Ali Kanaan

As a political science student, Ali has always liked historical games like Assassin's Creed and strategy games like EU4....