LoL Patch 13.19 is going to be the World Championship patch, meaning Riot is going to be adding the final balance adjustments for the pro-scene into this patch. Here's what you can expect of League of Legends patch 13.19 and when it will release.

LoL Patch 13.19 is going to be League of Legends World Championship patch, which means that Riot won't go all in with balance changes, since they don't have too much time for huge adjustments ahead of Worlds 2023.
Get ready for some brand-new skins, as well as adjustments to mythic content, that will hit live servers in LoL Patch 13.19. Be prepared for all the adjustments this patch have in store for us!
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LoL Patch 13.19: Buffs And Nerfs
Riot already teased beforehand that they would only make small adjustments to champions to avoid any risk of a bigger imbalance, since it is so close to the League of Legends World Championship. These are mostly just small changes which could improve the meta. Riot had done all the big changes in the patches before already.
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Champion Nerfs

Some more pro-favored champions are on the nerf list this time around. Riot will want to make sure to not have any champion be 100% pick/ban at the 2023 League of Legends World Championship.
- Q – Conquering Sands:
- Cooldown: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 seconds ⇒ 14/12/10/8/6 seconds
With this nerf, Renekton will be more vulnerable against AP champions, like Rumble or Mordekaiser, but it probably won't keep him from being a high priority pick at Worlds...
- Base Stats
- Magic Resist: 32 >>> 28
Zeri receiving slightly less movement speed isn't going to be a huge downfall for the champion, but hopefully it'll be enough to keep her off the Worlds stage, right?
- Base Stats
- Move Speed: 335 >>> 330
Riot is also planning to hit Rek'Sai with a few nerfs. The Void Burrower has dominated solo queue over the course of the last few months, but already receives some nerfs in the previous patches. These were pretty much neutralized with buffs to Stridebreaker, one of her core items. This is why Riot feels the need to act in time before Worlds.
- Passive – Fury of the Xer'Sai
- Heal: 15 – 125 + 2-12% max HP (increases every 3 levels) >>> 10 + 2-10% max HP (increases each individual level)
- Q – Queen's Wrath/Prey Seeker
- 34/38/42/46/50 % tAD >>> 34/38/42/46/50 % tAD
- W – Burrow/Un-Burrow
- Burrowed Move Speed: 350/355/360/365 (Lvl. 1/6/11/16) >>> 340/345/350 (Lvl. 1/6/11)
- Un-Burrow damage: 50 - 110 + 80 % bAD >>> 50 - 190 + 80% bAD
"Smurfs Are Not Welcome" - LoL Players Wish Riot Would Take Page From Valve's Books
League of Legends' newest champion sure had a rough debut. After having an abysmal win rate after being released on live servers, Briar had to be hot-fixed immediately. Her performance improved significantly, maybe too much, it seems. She's still incredibly hard to pull off, but can be extremely powerful. That's why Riot is rolling out some considerable nerfs now.
- Base Stats
- Attack Speed Growth: 2.5% ⇒ 2.3%
- Q - Head Rush
- Q is now properly tagged as an attack reset for interactions like Hail of Blades
- W - Blood Frenzy
- Added a Fury Bar to display the remaining duration of Frenzy
- W - Blood Frenzy's tooltip now clarifies that casting W does not remove or replace the empowered Blood Frenzy granted by R.
- W - Snack Attack
- Healing: 35/42.5/50/57.5/65% ⇒ 36/42/48/54/60%
- Increased Damage Against Minions and Monsters: 20% ⇒ 10%
- Maximum Percent Missing Health Damage Against Minions and Monsters: 500 ⇒ 400
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused the percent missing health damage to be able to critically strike.
- Added a short minimum cooldown after casting Snack Attack to prevent double casts with high haste builds.
- E - Chilling Scream
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug where knocked back enemies would sometimes not be stunned after hitting player-created terrain.
- Certain Death
- Pinging R now tells teammates which enemies are in range.
- Fixed a bug where Briar would become stuck attacking the wrong targets if Certain Death's target died during the cast time.
Quite a long list of changes, right? There are many QoL changes for Briar, but also a few significant nerfs. We're eager to see how these will affect her overall performance. Aside from these changes, Briar's recommended items and runes will also be updated with this patch.
The Noxian mage has seen quite a role shift over the last few months. This might have been kicked off by the emergence of Statikk Shiv builds on her. She has since also conquered the top lane as a proficient split pusher. Riot is now trying to put some constraints on that role, while keeping her power as a mage on the same level... Well, let's see how this will pan out.
- Base Stats
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.625 ⇒ 0.4
- Attack Speed Growth: 1.4% ⇒ 2.2%
- Attack Damage Growth: 3.5 ⇒ 2.7
- Mana Growth: 55 ⇒ 25
- Mana Regeneration Growth: 1 ⇒ 0.8
- W - Distortion
- Magic Damage: 75/115/155/195/235 (+60% AP) ⇒ 75/115/155/195/235 (+65% AP)
- E - Ethereal Chains
- Magic Damage from Initial Cast: 50/70/90/110/130 (+30% AP) ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130 (+35% AP)
Champion Buffs

With this change, Riot will be making Twitch's ultimate much more reliable. The speed of his missiles is going to be insane and help the rat gain some relevancy. But is it enough to make him a must-pick champion at Worlds?
- R – Spray and Pray
- Auto Attack Speed: 4000 ⇒ 5000
- Q - Dark Sphere
- Magic Damage: 70/105/140/175/210 (+70% AP) ⇒ 75/110/145/180/215 (+70% AP)
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is one of the most played champions in the pro-meta, and he's always a joy to watch, so obviously, Riot is going to make some adjustments to him before the big tournament, right?
- Base Stats
- Base Armor: 34 ⇒ 36
- W – Safe Guard/Iron Will
- Iron Will Lifesteal and Spell Vamp: 5/10.5/16/21.5/27% ⇒ 10/14/18/22/26%
- E – Tempest/Cripple
- Tempest Base Damage: 35/65/95/125/155 ⇒ 35/60/85/110/135
- R – Hero's Entrance
- Cooldown: 200 – 160 s ⇒ 180 – 140 s
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See for yourself, but when I'm looking at these buffs, I'm pretty certain that we will see Gangplank at Worlds again. Thanks to these quite significant buffs to his Ultimate, he will be able to split-push with ease during mid and late game.
- R – Cannon Barrage
- Cooldown: 180/160/140 seconds ⇒ 170/150/130 seconds
- Death's Daughter Slow: 60% for 1 second ⇒ 75% for 1 second
- Raise Morale Move Speed: 30% over 2 seconds ⇒ 40% over 2 seconds
- R – Curtain Call
- Damage: 50/125/200 + 25% tAD ⇒ 64/154/244 + 25% tAD
- W – Ring of Frost
- Root-Dauer: 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds ⇒ 1.25/1.35/1.45/1.55/1.65 seconds
Nunu & Willump
- E – Snowball Barrage
- Magic Damage per Hit: 16/24/32/40/48 (+10% AP) ⇒ 16/24/32/40/48 (+15% AP)
- Maximum Total Magic Damage: 144/216/288/360/432 (+90% AP) ⇒ 144/216/288/360/432 (+135% AP) (Note: Including the damage upon rooting an enemy, this totals to 164/246/328/411/492 (+215% AP))
According to Riot Phroxzon, the balance team plans to roll out buffs for Pyke that do not affect his damage output, but still manage to help him. These adjustments should improve his survivability and roaming potential in late game situations.
- Base Stats
- HP growth per level: 104 ⇒ 110
- W - Ghostwater Dive
- Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
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System Adjustments in LoL Patch 13.19
We are going to be getting some major changes in this League of Legends patch for systems as well to keep everything balanced. For now, mythic items will stay, but your favorite item will soon disappear. So, is Riot going to be making a lot of adjustments to mythics before the pre-season?
System Buffs
Randuin's Omen
- Cost: 3000 >>> 2700
Seeker's Armguard
- Armor: 15 >>> 20
System Nerfs
Can't go a patch without some good ol' Statikk Shiv changes, am I right? We don't want to miss out on those! So, here you go, your usual Statikk Shiv adjustments:
Statikk Shiv
- Electroshock Damage to Minions: 200 ⇒ 150
ARAM Adjustments in LoL Patch 13.19
If you just want to wind down and enjoy some casual fun in League of Legends, ARAM is always a great call. This time around, we're receiving some buffs for our newest champion Briar, while there are a few champs being nerfed as well.
ARAM Buffs
- 100% Healing ⇒ 130% Healing
- 100% Damage Taken ⇒ 95% Damage Taken
- 100% Damage Dealt ⇒ 105% Damage Dealt
ARAM Nerfs
- 95% Damage Dealt ⇒ 90% Damage Dealt
- 95% Damage Taken ⇒ 100% Damage Taken
- 105% Damage Dealt ⇒ 100% Damage Dealt
LoL Patch 13.19: Addressing Behavioral Issues and Enhancing Ping Functionality
League of Legends is taking steps to address behavioral issues in its Ranked Solo/Duo queue, which often experiences disruptive behavior due to the high stakes of ranked games. To provide players with a more relaxed environment and discourage disruptive behavior, Riot Games is introducing a new penalty system.
When players receive penalties for disruptive behavior, they may also face ranked restrictions, preventing them from playing ranked game modes until they clear these restrictions by playing 5 non-ranked games in modes like Blind Pick, Draft Pick, ARAM, and Rotating Game Modes.
Read more about it here:
In addition to behavioral improvements, Riot Games is enhancing ping functionality to reduce toxicity in the game. While self-pings, enemy pings, and neutral pings remain unaffected, pinging allied states will now only be visible to the pinger.
This change aims to prevent the abuse of pings for non-constructive purposes, such as timing out teammates' death timers. Riot is also working on a new "Bait" ping to further enhance communication.
Mythic Content Update In Patch 13.19
Due to an issue with the Taliyah Crysalis Motus skin, Riot have revealed that her icon will be updated with the appropriate freckles, which had originally been missing. Unfortunately, this change was not implemented in Patch 13.18, when the skin was also added into the mythic shop.
That's why the updated icon, along with the emote, will only be made available in the mythic shop come LoL Patch 13.19. It's good though that Riot took community feedback into consideration and are updating the icon accordingly.
New LoL La Ilusión Skins Revealed

In this League of Legends patch, we are also getting a bunch of new skins inspired by Día de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead. They look incredible, and it's amazing to see a new skin line like this come to life, with a lot of cool champions chosen by Riot.
- La Ilusión Ziggs
- La Ilusión Qiyana
- La Ilusión Draven
- La Ilusión Nidalee
- La Ilusión Gnar
- La Ilusión Renata Glasc
- La Ilusión Renata Glasc Prestige Edition
Renata Glasc will also be getting a prestige edition of her skin, and it looks incredible. Qiyana also fits perfectly into this concept, along with Nidalee. Now we just need Milio to receive his skin as well, eh?
LoL Patch 13.19 Release Date
This LoL Patch released on September 27, 2023. It's going to be playable a few weeks before the World Championship is set to kick off, so players can get used to all the changes and adjustments as well.
There are no new champions this time around, but we do have some key balance changes planned that will determine the outcome of the LoL Worlds 2023 meta. Hopefully we don't get 100% Zeri pick/ban again.