Riot is going to release a new mythic skin into the League of Legends mythic shop. Goodbye Crystalis Motus Leona and hello Taliyah.

Leona was the first champion to receive a skin in the Crystalis Motus skin line. Now, Riot revealed the second champion to get a mythic skin of this level and the community is pretty excited about the new mythic skin that will be added to the mythic shop in the upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.18.
Taliyah is going to be the next champion to receive a mythic skin and while a lot of players couldn't tell the difference between the Ashen Knight aesthetic and the Crystalis Motus skins, this one brings forth the strength of this unique skin line.
LoL Crystalis Motus: New Taliyah Mythic Skin Revealed
Riot has previously revealed the new mythic skins, letting fans know what champions will be part of the Crystalis Motus skin line. This way players could save up their previous mythic essence. The first champion of the skin line was none other than Leona, and the second would be Taliyah with the third skin going to Ashe.
Now in the upcoming League of Legends patch, Riot will be releasing the second Crystalis Motus skin... have three motnhs passed already? Taliyah's skin is going to be available with a chroma in the mythic shop as well. If you're looking to pick up just the skin though you will have to pay 100 Mythic Essence, which seems like a pretty fair price for this type of rare skin.
Last year, Riot reworked the mythic content and created seasonal mythics. This time around we're getting these beautiful crystal skins with Crystalis Motus and the theme fits perfectly for Taliyah.
Riot incorporated nature and gems with her skin, which works wonders. Even if the main skin is teal and the chroma a lighter shade of blue-ish white, players are still very happy with the overall look and quality of the skin, praising the sound design and the thematic with Taliyah's character design.
Yes, we know the skin is a shade of blue and the chroma is also blue... but it seems that most players can overlook this and still love the skin nonetheless.
Honestly, Taliyah is an earth bender known for using rocks in her animations, so creating beautiful crystals instead of mere rocks isn't going to destroy the Taliyah fantasy in any way and instead only accentuate her. This is probably the best and most hyped mythic skin after Ashen Knight Pyke.
The skin is going to be added to the mythic shop in LoL Patch 13.18, which means it should be available for purchase on September 14, 2023.