Riots announcement to get rid of the item mythic system for the preseason 2024, sent the LoL community into turmoil. Many players are wondering what's going to happen to some of their favorite items and how the new system might be balanced.

It was maybe the biggest talking point for the community after the release of the Dev Update Video by League of Legends developer and publisher, Riot Games. The Mythic Item System will be removed from the game for the 2024 preseason. This action is seen by many as one of the biggest changes regarding the shop, and the item system in general, in years.
Now many players are wondering, or better worrying, about the future of their favorite Mythic Item. How will they look like after the announced reworks and will they even fit into the new meta after getting changed. So, many users gathered in the League of Legends Subreddit to discuss this topic.
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LoL: What's Going To Happen To The Communities Favorite Mythic Items?
The Mythic Item System has been part of the game for a few years now and many players got used to its functionality. A mythic item is a special item, which mostly gets recommended as a must-have and first-buy item. All of them have passive effects which are scaling with other later built items.
For example, the mythic item Luden's Tempest will give you 5 magic penetration for every other completed legendary item. So these items were basically the foundation for your item built in this game.
And this going to change now, since Riot Games announced to get rid of the Mythic Item system to increase the item versatility in LoL and re-ignite the creativity in the game. This was announced in the newest episode of the "Dev Update" series on YouTube.
So, now many players are wondering and speculating on what's going to happen to the Mythic Items. Especially after the devs announced to rework the more popular mythic items. A lot of players are worried about the future of their favorite mythic item, and so some of them took to Reddit to discuss this important topic.
Removal of Mythic items must also mean Galeforce gets removed, right? I don't see how that item can exist as a normal item. Are there similar items like that? by u/TightSoftware420 in leagueoflegends
The user "TightSoftware420" asked the community about his apparent favorite item,
Removal of Mythic items must also mean Galeforce gets removed, right? I don't see how that item can exist as a normal item. Are there similar items like that? Well we now know mythic items are gone next season. I don't see how Galeforce can exist after that. That item would be busted as a legendary item. I also just don't really think there should be items like that in the game that cover huge weaknesses as efficiently as that and without clear drawback. Are there other items like that that will get removed? Maybe duskblade?
Well, the community could of course name several more Mythic Items that might be in a similar position of Galeforce. And many players agreed that reworks are needed, since it would be busted to just re-integrate former Mythic Items as just normal ones.

The user "Cadejustcadee", tried to calm down the community and took a look back into the past, before the Mythic Item System was in place,
Before mythic items were a thing, duskblade was already there, it just didnt have part of the passive. Most likely, I reckon they'll go back to that. Any mythic item you think will be op, most likely will get nerfed a fair bit to level everything off
Especially the named "Duskblade of Draktharr" seems to be an important talking point for many users in the comment section, since it got named a lot. But the user "LordBarak" had a suggestion for Galeforce as well,
Galeforce can totally exist as a legendary item. Lower the AD, adjust the price and adjust the base damage, it should compete for a second or third slot item. The drawback is very clear: You're not maximizing DPS like a Zeal item second would for example.
The user "JNaran94" also gave his thoughts about the future of Galeforce and the other Mythic Item Riftmaker,
I think it does. Galeforce identity is of speed, the dash being its active, but zeal items give movement speed, and I dont think they'll keep a dash for an adc as a legendary. Just movement speed would overlap with PD and there would be no point in that. I have seen people talking about Riftmaker too, but I think Riftmaker can stay. They can keep the ovnivamp, but change the true damage to magic damage (plus adjustments) like they did with kraken slayer
And the user "ZenLennon" gave his thoughts about the Mythic Items and their future in general,
League of legends existed for 10+ years with no mythic item classifications, i expect them to simply nerf and rebalance the mythics back on par with current legendary items. Probably remove several items in the process, but that's probably due to redundancies that are bound to happen. For galeforce and duskblade I'd expect reworks on the passives
Also, it wouldn't be the League of Legends Subreddit without some users already planing ahead, even tho it might be a little meme. It seems like the user ""jtpredator" can't wait until the new item system is in place,

I surely can't wait to witness one of these Garens in my game. However, the new system is going to work, one thing seems to be clear. In their current form many former Mythic Items would break the game and its meta, when released without some serious changes.
So it will be interesting to see, which items the devs are going to rework and later re-integrate into League of Legends, and how they might fit into the game. Surely this is going to be one of the most interesting and general most anticipated preseason of all time.
Of course, we will keep you up-to-date on that topic. Just like everybody else, we can't wait for new announcements and reveals regarding the 2024 preseason.
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