In League of Legends, you're able to get access to the Public Beta Environment, where players can test out the newest skins, champions and any changes to the game. But how do you test these skins with 0 RP?

League of Legends works on a patch system. Every two or three weeks, depending on the length of the patch, new content is added into the game. Whether that is brand-new skins, new champions or just balance changes, the game is never the same for a long time.
If you've managed to make a PBE account, as well as download the server, then you're good to go to test out all the new content, right? Almost. You can test out the skins, but you cannot do it for free because even on PBE, it'll cost RP. Today we'll show you how to earn RP and how to test the skins before heading to the PBE Reddit to give your feedback.
Are The Skins On The PBE Server Free?
This is probably the most important question when it comes to the PBE server, and you want to test anything out. Are the things on the server free? Yes, they are. All skins and champions are free on the League of Legends PBE Server, though you'll still have to spend some RP to get them.
How Do You Earn RP On The PBE Server?
The key question for the PBE server is definitely how to earn RP. Even if you've got your PBE account, and you're signed in, you will first only see 0 Blue Essence Available, as well as 0 Riot Points. When looking at your inventory, you'll see that every single champion is unlocked and playable, but the skins are all hidden behind a paywall.
Therefore, you'll have to earn some RP before you can have the look you want, right? Right. Earning Riot Points is extremely easy on the PBE. All you've got to do is play one game. Yes, that's right, you just need to play a single matchmade game on the PBE server, and then you'll earn enough RP to buy skins to test out.
How To Test Skins On The PBE Server
Once you've got the RP, you're able to go into the store and purchase any skins you want to test out. There is old and new content available on the PBE server, but most players use the PBE to test out all the new content. You're also able to play game modes like Teamfight Tactics and test out the new skins and Little Legends on there as well.
Where Do You Report Skin Bugs?
If you encounter any bugs with brand-new skins, champions or balance issues, you can head over to the official League of Legends PBE Reddit page. Of course, if there is a major bug you encounter, you can also use the Bug Reporting Tool from Riot themselves. There is also a bug reporting tool in the League of Legends PBE client, which can be found on the bottom right of the screen.
Where Can You Give Feedback on Skins?
Once again, you are able to go onto the official League of Legends PBE Subreddit to give any feedback you have on skins. This can pertain to the splash art, any icons for the champion and the skin, as well as the in-game skin itself. Please make sure to be courteous, as there are human beings working on the skins behind the screen.

On the LoL PBE Subreddit, you'll be able to find various threads. You just have to scroll to find the one for the champion you're looking for and reply to it with your initial thoughts and feedback. Do note, that it is not guaranteed that the Champions team at Riot will be implementing the changes you've asked for.
Earlier in Season 12, players on Twitter and Reddit complained about the change of Seraphine's hair on her Prestige Ocean Song skin. At first, it seemed like Riot would keep her hair long and unkempt, but after much push back from the community, Riot did end up changing the hair on the skin back to the original length. This goes to show, that community feedback can make it onto live servers.
Can Anyone Test Out Skins On The PBE?
Yes, everyone who is honor level 3 and above and has a PBE account is able to get any of the skins on the PBE to try them out. As already mentioned, the PBE server will have older content, as well as brand-new content on there, so you can try out anything you really want.
Wait Times On PBE Are Longer
It is important to note, though, that when you're testing out new skins and champions and want to play match made games, you'll likely have a longer wait time than on the regular server. The PBE isn't as populated, which means wait times are longer and the matchmaking is also less even, due to mismatching MMR.
So, if you're curious about the next League of Legends champion and their upcoming skin, then make sure to get a League of Legends PBE account and give them a try. You'll be ahead of the gang when it comes to your knowledge of the newest League of Legends content.