The new League of Legends season is bringing a lot of welcome changes to the map, but some champions might be a little less happy than others. Champions like Camille and Poppy rely on good wall placements to use their kit to its fullest potential, something they aren't able to if some walls are removed.

While most players are looking forward to the new season changes, Reddit user u/Thedeefact has raised some awareness to the fact that with there being significantly fewer walls in the top lane, champions like Camille and Poppy may lose some of their outplay potential.
League of Legends Season 14 Map Changes Might Ruin Some Champs
The Wall Issue
Camille and Poppy, champions relying on nearby walls, find the new top lane negatively affecting their gameplay. The changed wall distances create difficulties, especially in the laning phase, potentially requiring adjustments to keep these champions viable.
Camille, heavily dependent on walls for her Hookshot (E), is grappling with the consequences of the recent map changes. Players noticed a negative impact on her laning phase, since it seems like her Hookshot is basically non-existant. The challenge of finding good walls for has impacted her early game effectiveness.
For Poppy, the changes are very similar. She relies on ramming enemies into walls with her Heroic Charge (E) for maximum damage output and combo potential. Fewer walls means she won't have as many opportunitied to get a lead.
The wall changes also make Illaoi a bit weaker, as there are fewer spots for her tentacles to spawn.

The solution could be as simple, putting a rock next to the new river bush. This could make fights for vision more impactful, as both Poppy and Camille get more outplay potential that way.
On stream, Riot Phlox and some other rioters have already confirmed that they will keep an eye out on those champions and make adjustments when needed.
After all, there are a lot of changes coming in Season 14 of League of Legends. New Items are being added, others are getting removed, and the meta will shake up quite a bit.
I do think some newer items will alleviate some issues Camille will be facing with the removal of Divine Sunderer. But gameplay related changes like being unable to hook shot onto your enemies just makes the champion less fun overall and should be avoided.