The League of Legends community did it again! Another new player has suffered greatly from more experienced teammates (who also turned out to be very toxic). One encounter ended in tears.

As a beginner in League of Legends, you will have a difficult time. LoL has an incredibly steep learning curve, which causes new players to struggle with the core of the game more than new players of other games. This frustrates veteran players, who might not have the patience and empathy necessary to understand their trouble.
Flaming new players is not a new thing. However, it is and always has been ridiculous, and makes League of Legends as a competitive environment even more hostile than it already is. It is no surprise that new players get caught offguard by this, and the implications it has for League of Legends are bad.
New Player Left In Tears: How Can New Players Protect Themselves From Toxicity?
League is so mean by u/Kasiskas in leagueoflegends
Redditor 'Kasiskas' shared their story of experiences with toxicity in League of Legends. They have only recently picked up the game due to their boyfriend, but it seems like said boyfriend has not been able to prepare them for the lows of League toxicity. This left them in tears after certain games.
While it is obviously frustrating to play with a bad player, this story raises some questions. As Tristana, Kasiskas has accidentally stolen the Red Brambleback upon helping their jungler – which is not nice but can happen if you do not know how to leash for a jungler.
On the other hand, Tristana does not have a high level of burst on level 1 and her damage is very predictable. How is it possible for a much more experienced jungler to lose that red buff, considering they probably know effective champion combos to secure a last-hit AND have smite?
This kind of toxicity is also called out and condemned by other Redditors. It seems like this kind of behavior is not particularly popular, but fighting it is a whole different story. For the time being, Kasiskas has been recommended to turn off all chats within League of Legends, which is a sensible thing for all League players to do.
Comment by u/Kasiskas from discussionin leagueoflegends
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