Riot implemented one pretty cool, yet annoying mechanic for Akshan a while ago. Now, it seems like one Rioter has had enough and using this one ability could be the end for Akshan... at least once the new bots are implemented.

Akshan was one of the most controversial champions to be released in recent times. When players realized he could literally revive entire teams, they were not happy with the design of the champion, but it seems that with time there are other parts of his kit that have become even more annoying.
So annoying even that Rioters themselves are now creating ways to interrupt the champion to make him less of a nuisance in their League of Legends matches.
LoL Dev Looking To Combat Akshan's Heroic Swing
Akshan is a literal superhero in the world of Runeterra and he's even able to bring back people from the dead thanks to the passive on his W. If you thought that would be the most annoying thing in his kit, then you would be wrong, because a while ago Riot decided to tweak Akshan's E – Heroic Swing.
His E lets him hook into terrain and swing in a circular motion. If he does this with the Inhibitor in his own base he can simply swing in circles for well... forever. Until he is either killed or decides to jump off the fun carousel. While he does this he fires at his nearest enemy automatically.
Riot DashiJador notes they programmed the new bots to kill players who try to do the Akshan infinite E cheese
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) September 5, 2023
It seems that this has even annoyed some devs at Riot Games with Riot DashiJador expressing his frustration on Reddit. He is currently working on the new bots which are supposed to help simulate real game situations much better to help new players get accustomed to the LoL environment.
So he took it upon himself to make sure that the new bots will thwart any players who want to simply swing around while defending their base.
After I played with a player who did this the first time, I told my team we need to make people who do this have a bad time against our bots as this is unacceptable for anyone in our gam.e I could not imagine the pain a new player would experience running into this kind of behavior.
So sorry guys, you won't be able to use the Akshan E to cheese your way through games. But I bet most of you will also be pretty happy to know that this is going to be stopped by those bots.